Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki

Ultimate Bar

Whenever you deal damage to someone (Player, Weakest Dummy, Leaderboard #1-3 Avatars), you gain charge in your Ultimate Bar, and when it's filled to 100%, you can activate your Ultimate Mode by pressing G or tapping the Ultimate Bar. When switching characters, the Ultimate Bar will be depleted by 1/4, and switching constantly can bring it to complete zero.

Upon entering Ultimate Mode, a cutscene will play on your character along with exclusive music attached to it, with some cutscenes dealing damage to players in the surrounding area. After the cutscene ends, you gain access to your destructively powerful Ultimate Moves. Each character has different Ultimate Moves, devasting attacks that can turn the tide of any battle if used correctly. Also, your Side Dashes and Back Dashes are replaced with Teleport Dashes, which instantly teleport you to the direction your back or side aims at, up to 4 times if constantly spamming it, before 2 seconds cooldown kicks in.

The Ultimate Mode will last for approximately 50 seconds, and it's visible by the Ultimate Bar slowly draining out to zero, which will make you go back to normal and return your usual moveset. Currently, only Hero Slayer (Both mastered and non-mastered) is capable of extending his Ultimate Mode duration by using the Indomitable Will move.

Example of the Ultimate Bar:

Example of an Ultimate bar
Example of an Ultimate bar

− Former Ultimate Bar was cyan, but now, it's red.

295x295px −


  • Hero Slayer, as previously said, is the only character being able to extend his Ultimate Mode duration by using Indomitable Will.
  • Explosion Hero is currently the one character, having TWO Ultimate Modes at time whenever first is activated and when TENTH TORCH bar is filled.
  • Mastered Hero Slayer harnesses two normal movesets at time, making his arsenal extremely wide, as a pay-off for small damage.
  • Symbol of Fear is the only character, having a damage boosting passive, which is depending on the user's luck.

Ultimate Encounters

Green Hero

  • BEYOND 100% - The move is unblockable, although you have chances to evade it by either M1'ing your opponent when the start-up plays, or either by Side Dashing at the middle of start-up. The move's range is 9 tiles forward.
  • Cosmic States of Smash - Even though the move is incredibly fast, it's still blockable.
  • One Energy Surge - Has a very slow start-up and small range (3-4 tiles.), so evading it is easy unless you are stunned by anything.
  • 1,000,000% - Move has incredible mobility (31 tiles forward) and is unblockable, but whenever the attack will emit a sparkling particles, you can take your time and Side Dash, because zig-zag rush cannot be directed into any other side. Tanking it is futile - since it deals 55% out of your HP, you might end up being devoid of full HP in an instant.

Mastered Green Hero (Vigilante Deku)

  • As the cutscene starts, only you can do is walk away to not get damage from energy burst. Hiding is futile, because when the cutscene ends, the user of it will see every single player marked on their screen.
  • 120% OVERDRIVE - Don't waste your Evasive unless you know what you doing. Is easy to dodge, by simply Side Dashing when attacker's fist glows.
  • 45% - Start-up is visible, and the attacker won't have enough time to curve to you when you'll Side Dash away after the start-up ends.
  • Lightning Crush - The attacker cannot direct themselves after they are launched, also being very visible, so evading it is no problem.
  • Whiplash - Is a risky move that might reel you into the death once the attacker knows what he's doing. Side Dash behind your opponent and then Back Dash away.

Hero Slayer // Mastered Hero Slayer

  • The Ultimate cutscene deals little to no damage, and rolls you away for a considerable distance. Due to the user being blinded by a roar the animation emits, they won't manage to see you at all unless you're close. Trolling method is to equip all cosmetics while the animation plays, and then to run away to the place where someone is currently battling.
  • Crimson Parry - When your opponent is not accurate with it, he'll reveal the counter by the loud sound it produces, and also due to long counter duration that will reveal the counter pose. Time out when the counter ends and then freely attack.
  • Scarlet Frenzy - Slow and is counterable by dash and BLITZ KICK. Although, being hit by it will wipe a lot HP from you.
  • Sanguine Symphony - Awful move, that's what will say the most who was hit by it. Final knife throw is not blockable, but others are. Time your block and find a perfect position to get your finger off F button and Side Dash away, before instantly Back Dashing to your previous direction, thus confusing your opponent. In close range and when hit by final hit - you're in trouble.
  • Indomitable Will - When engaging into aggressive gameplay against Hero Slayer users, you might not notice it firstly, but it's very obvious and noticeable at all. Although, when being caught in it's Blood Curdle effect, the consequences is awful as Sanguine Symphony.

Azure Flames // Mastered Azure Flames

  • Don't play too aggressive or too passive, better counter all the moves with mobility & I-Frames moves, like Delaware Grab // AIR VARIANT, Scarlet Frenzy, Indomitable Will, Detroit, Delaware // AIR VARIANT, and so on.
  • AZURE FLAMES:BLITZ - Is a dangerous, unblockable move to be hit with, although if using Evasive, you have a lot of chances to M1 the user before their endlag ends.
  • FLAMEWAVE BURST - Take your time and find a perfect moment to dash away from it's range. Hopefully, the user cannot direct the flame-exhaling attack, unless being moved by anything.
  • FROSTFLAME ERUPTION - Could be evaded by being away from the user, but the ice and explosion is unblockable.
  • PEAKING SCORCH - Simply, the move is blockable.

Split Ice

  • FREEZEBURN WAVE - Don't play too aggressive and make sure the user cannot hit you with M1's, otherwise say "bye bye" to the half of your HP, that will be drained easily.
  • JET KINDLING - Can be cancelled by grab moves, and by dodging in a perfect moment. Delaware Grab // AIR VARIANT is the easiest variant to evade it.
  • FROSTFLAME BURST - Is unblockable, but mostly the users are using the move to catch you or to trap you whenever you're dashing at them, and even Delaware Grab // AIR VARIANT cannot really help at all.
  • BLAZING SOUL - Get M1'ed by the user, and you're screwed. Although, you can use Delaware Grab // AIR VARIANT, in order to dodge it, but you're risking to hit the user with it, which might reel you into the cutscene.

Explosion Hero

  • Better to play passive and confuse your opponent with dashes, because the character's mobility in Ultimate Mode is comically large.
  • Eruption Dive - Don't waste your Evasive and dash with all your best, because the move is hard to aim at dashing opponents.
  • Exploding Star - Normally is evadeable, although being M1'ed and then pulled into the animation is a sure-healthdrain.
  • Infernal Shot - Is easily noticeable, and could be evaded with exact same ease, if picking perfect moment. The move cannot be directed once shot.
  • TENTH TORCH - Unless you are kidding around, NEVER even dare yourself to walk into an animation, because it takes 28% HP from Namu (Literally 280 HP from normal player).
  • MINE - There's no real way to evade it, because Side Dash might still pull you into the painful move, and it's mobility and swiftness is just making it worse.
  • BLITZ KICK - Some people cannot understand the move has second usage, but it is dangerous, yet could be evaded by simply dashing in the way to confuse your opponent. If clashing Explosion Hero with any of Hero Slayer's Ultimate, they can use the move to parry your Scarlet Frenzy.
  • BLAST AWAY - Waste EVASIVE or die.
  • NUKE - Newbies are unaware of how to aim, so let them fly because they likely will hit the walls. But if clashing professional player who utilizes it as last resort while their TENTH TORCH are down to almost zero, do your literal best to catch them and M1 them, because they are extremely vulnerable to M1's and other moves before huge circle surrounds them.

Symbol of Fear

  • Radio Blast - The move is overall very easy to dodge, if your reflexes are sharp. Keeping it short and simple - you can use Side Dash and then Back Dash to avoid being hit just right when the user will fly upward. Otherwise, if you Forward Dash'ed at the user, but they used it right when you were close, you got no escape at all, the tendrils can reach you from any height but not from any range.
  • Scatter - Don't use your Evasive when you are hit by it just yet, and when the punching part will go, wait for ≈0.5 seconds before using Evasive and dashing to the side.
  • Reflective Counter - Easy to notice, and has a hugely visible start-up, but skilled players mostly use it in the way you will surely M1 them, getting you caught on the counter in the process, so better play passive and attack when the user drops their guard.
  • TRUE EVIL - Has a too slow start-up, but it can do a sure-hit if the user will time it after Downslam (That's mostly the only way to not land it raw), you also can easily dodge it, so you might not worry about the move at all. Although, if you were hit by it, just make sure you hit all Quick Time Event buttons, as the move might deal 91% damage when it got only released, but nowadays it One-Shots...

Warp Portal

  • Matter Barrage - Block all the objects flying into you, and you're fine.
  • Reality Collapse - Don't dash yet when start-up starts. Instead, take your time and while you do, just walk in the range of the circle, before instantly dodging out.
  • Crush - Is a painful move, and could finish you off right at your 30% with mere ease. Although, when blocking, you will take less damage from it.
  • Star Burst - Not so really dangerous, just M1 the opponent while they are in portals, or just dash away.

Satoru Gojo // The Strongest

  • Hollow Purple - Has infinite range and comically large width range. DEAD.
  • Unlimited Void - Has extremely huge radius, and slows down everybody in range. DEAD.
  • Reversal Red - Is barely possible to dodge due to huge forward radius, although only being escapable by Side Dashes, in case if the server has No Cooldown on. DEAD.
  • Decapitate - When you ever approach the user... DEAD.

Ultimate Conclusion

  • Green Hero - Has unpredictable and swift attacks, that also lets you play aggressive.
  • Mastered Green Hero - Is a complete nemesis whenever your opponent has no Evasive. Every single move is unblockable and fast.
  • Hero Slayer // Mastered Hero Slayer - Waste your Evasive, and the user will have a sure-kill.
  • Azure Flames - Is considered one of the strongest Ultimates, if not considered The Strongest. Each move is painful and M1's range can go about 2 tiles with the last m1 being unblockable.
  • Split Ice - Tricky one, and yet - extremely painful.
  • Explosion Hero - Two Ultimate Modes, incredible mobility, nervewracking immense damage, WHO CAN DARE THEMSELVES TO SAY THE ULTIMATE IS AWFUL?
  • Warp Portal - Reminds me of Kurogiri's Quirk usage as well, making him somehow different unlike other Ultimates. It is really dangerous, if combining Reality Collapse and Crush. And is considered the worst Ultimate Mode ever, due to the damage.
  • The Strongest - No survival. Simple as that.
  • Symbol of Fear - Most of the moves are easy to dodge with Evasive, but if you waste Evasive on an attack thats not TRUE EVIL, my brother, say goodbye to most of your health.