Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki
Down with SHOTO

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Spoilers for Shoto Todoroki

"If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Because I've got one thing to say to you! Never forget who you want to become!"

- Shoto Todoroki's heroic inspiration to Tenya Ida


Split Ice is a free to play character in the game.This character is good for close-range and mid-range combat and combos. This is the fourth character to be added to the game. He is based off the character Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia.

Pros & Cons


  • Frost Burst has a medium-large area of effect (hitbox is a little broken which gives a small advantage to the user).
  • Ice Javelin has a ranged variant that can be performed by using the skill while no one is in the user's immediate vicinity.
  • Frost Burst is a fantastic tool to kill someone who's on low HP.
  • Easy 50% true combo using only 2 moves and M1s.
  • Counter stuns the hit opponent(s) if it lands for 4 seconds, up to 10 with passive boosted version.
  • If counter is landed correctly, you can do much of damage to your opponent
  • Frost Counter can counter any non-ultimate move in the game.
  • Sub Zero has 4 variants.
  • Powerful freeze passive is useful against teamers.
  • Subzero's Grab & Uppercut Variant have I-frames.
  • Subzero's Uppercut Variant can be used just before the opponent uses their evasive, leading to high damage true combos.
  • Simple combos.
  • Can deal insane amounts of damage if used correctly.
  • Ice Javelin (Melee) gives you an M1 reset. (sacrifices M1 damage)
  • You can bypass Ice Javelin's M1 reset after the fourth M1 by either using a regular 4th M1 and using the ranged variant or using an uppercut and relying on the Javelin Pierce technique.
  • Frost Counter can easily start combos when landed.
  • Frost Burst finishes high at 14% and has an immediate finisher.
  • Jet Kindling grants superarmor.
  • Blazing Soul lasts a long 26 seconds, which can be used to drain an enemy's ult bar.


  • Frost counter has few active frames.
  • Blazing Soul can be unwieldy and hard to hit the right person.
  • If you use the same Sub Zero variant more than one time in a row, it will go on cooldown for longer.
  • Sub Zero's down slam and ranged move can easily be dodged with a ragdoll cancel.
  • His basic combo is rather weak.
  • Players can front dash at the player in the start-up of Ice Javelin's ranged variant, leading to an easy punish.
  • Ice Javelin's ranged variant hitbox is the model itself, making it easily dodgeable with a simple jump or side dash.
  • Sub Zero's 4th M1 variant is the second weakest variant of Sub Zero itself.
  • Has the longest ultimate move cutscene in the game, which can get annoying if you hit the wrong person.
  • Ice Javelin (Melee) severely lowers M1 damage.
  • Enemies can evade the move Frost Counter with a fast side dash. (Ping dependent)
  • Burning Flames has only 1 mobility move (Blazing Soul), and Ultimate moves don't have much range.


Moves Damage Cooldown Information
5%, 5%, 4%, 5%

Full combo:19%

~0.5 seconds These punches are faster than Normal Green Hero, but slightly slower than mastered. Their M1 damage is reduced.
Melee Variant
Melee Variant
Sub Zero Neutral Variant
15% 16 seconds The user grabs the opponent by the face, freezing them. They hit the opponent with their other icy hand, ragdolling them.
  • Has I-frames upon landing
  • Has very little endlag
  • Has a larger hitbox than projected.
Downslam Variant
Downslam Variant
Sub Zero Downslam Variant
15% The user jumps into the air slamming down onto the opponent(s), after slamming down the user punches the opponent. (Used when the opponent is downed in front of you)
  • Sometimes the target will move out of the punch radius
  • Easily dodgable
  • Has moderate amount of endlag upon missing
  • Can combo-extend if your ping is above 120
Uppercut Variant
Uppercut Variant
Sub Zero Uppercut Variant
13% Uppercut: The user grabs the opponent then slams the opponent to the ground. The user creates an ice pile and slams the enemy again onto that ice pile, proceeding to shoot them with an iceberg.
  • Has I-frames upon landing
  • Can be used after 3 M1's if done right
  • Higher finishing threshold then other variants due to doing 2% less damage
  • Extremely fast windup
Ranged Variant
Ranged Variant
Sub Zero Ranged Variant
7% Damage per spike The user sends out 2 ice spikes that form a V shape when striking the target (Used after 4th M1)
  • This can be interrupted
  • The spikes can miss the enemy if not used instantly
  • Can also be used after 3 M1's if done correctly
Animation 1
Melee Variant
Melee Variant
Ice Javelin Melee Variant
Animation 2
10% 16 seconds Melee: The user slices the target with a spear made of a ice
  • Extends m1s (m1s done right after this move have heavily decreased damage ~6%).
  • Can hit grounded people.
  • Has low finishing threshold (7%)
Animation 1
Ranged Variant
Ranged Variant
Ice Javelin Ranged Variant
Animation 2
5% Ranged: The player throws a spear made of ice, and if it hits an opponent, it will freeze them for a short period of time.
  • Can be aimed when used in the air.
  • If they are blocking, they will not be frozen but will get knocked back.
  • Can hit grounded opponents
  • Bypasses the M1 debuff in exchange for doing 5% less damage than Melee Variant
  • Can land after 3 M1's if used correctly (Unreliable)
Frost Counter
N/A 40 seconds Player stands still after activating this move. It will dodge the incoming attack shooting a blast of ice.
  • The enemy will be frozen for 4 seconds if hit.
  • Has a range limit
  • Can be dodged.
  • Does Zero damage, but is a major combo-starter when landed
Normal Variant
Normal Variant
Frost Burst
14% Damage 25 seconds The user raises their arm causing a glacier to form, ragdolling the opponent.
  • Can extend using a forward dash and good spacing.
  • Finisher has humongous radius, and can finish off multiple people at once
  • Can combo-extend with Sub Zero Uppercut Variant
  • Move has good AoE
  • Can be blocked

Moves Information
Sub Zero Neutral Variant
The user grabs the opponent by the face, freezing them. Then slams the opponent to the ground . After that, the opponent is picked up then slamed into the ground again with much greater strength.
Sub Zero Uppercut Variant
The frost burst is bigger and the ice spreads over a large area.
Sub Zero Downslam Variant
The user punches the opponent even harder.
Sub Zero Ranged Variant
(After 4th M1): Shoots out 2 lines of a ices curling to a upside down V shape and performs a massive frost burst attack.
Ice Javelin
The user peforms a deadly combo with the ice spear. (This finisher is the same for both variants)
Frost Burst
The user raises their arm and causes a giant glacier to form at the place of the opponent.
Blazing Soul
The user uses the finishing blow of the first variant. They then menacingly approach the victim, as the victim attempts to feebly crawl away, their attempts being futile. The player then proceeds to freeze the opponent, jump, grab them, and light them up with flames. They then bash the opponent into the ground relentlessly. They throw the opponent into the air, jump up to the opponent, and the entire screen goes black for a second. After the screen goes black, the screen emits a bright, colourful light before the player kicks the target to the ground.

Moves Damage Cooldown Information
Burning Flames
~35% N/A You freeze one arm with ice and your left eye shines red, then your other hand ignites with fire. The user then proceeds to emit a giant flame while spreading their arms out in quick succession. Anyone who steps in the flames will be knocked back.
~20%+ 0.5 seconds These punches are faster than Normal Green Hero, but slightly slower than mastered. Their M1 damage is reduced. they have boosted range.
Freezeburn Wave
51% 16 seconds missed, 100 Seconds if landed The Player swings his right hand forward, if anyone is hit it triggers a cutscene, showing the player slowly raising his hand and eventually aiming at the other player(s) creating a constant beam of fire and getting bigger and stronger, mid animation.
  • Has very small hitbox
  • Useful for setting up Blazing Soul finisher
  • Unlike Blazing Soul, enemy cannot invade it once in a M1 chain
  • Can hit grounded players
  • Fast windup
Jet Kindling
36% 16 seconds The Player creates a mid-sized fireball in his hands and then points it forward and punches it creating a massive blast ahead of him.
  • Grants Hyper-Armor
  • Has severe endlag on miss
  • Very long startup
  • Heavily relies on you on ragdolling the enemy
  • Can multi-hit
Frostflame Burst
26% 19 seconds Player creates massive ice spire that freeze anyone within reach, soon after the ice explodes into a fire tornado spinning all of the previously frozen players in a circle and then the tornado dissipates.
  • Start up can be interrupted, but grants I-frames once the ice gets planted into the ground
  • Can grab a infinite amount of players
  • User can stand inside the fire tornado to avoid getting attacked
  • You can damage people caught with the tornado with Jet Kindling
Blazing Soul
47% 16 Seconds (if missed) The user releases a burst of fire and ice simultaneously before they dash forward. If they are attacked while charging or catches someone while dashing, the minute-long cutscene begins.

The opponent stumbles back while burning, before the player raises a spike of Ice from the ground, sending the enemy upwards. The player then releases 3 curving fireballs at the opponent and raises even more ice spikes from the ground, before propelling themselves in the air with their left side and slamming the opponent to the ground. After which, the opponent is thrown slightly forwards and the user releases ice to freeze said opponent, before discharging a barrage of punches, and slammed to the ground face first. Finally, the user throws the victim into the air to shoot them with one final blast, mixed with ice and fire, to completely decimate the opponent and leave them with 53% of their health.

  • Does not stop the ultimate bar from decreasing
  • This move counts as a counter,grab, and dash move
  • Can be interrupted by certain moves (Cosmic States of Smash)
  • Has endlag on dash miss
  • Has a large hitbox

Objects Damage Information
8% (or 20% on 4th M1) The user punches the enemy in the stomach then takes them by their head smashing them into the tree

If the user's M1 count is four, they holds an enemy then smashes said enemy towards the Tree 3 times, the fourth time smashes the enemy flying

14% The user holds enemy's head and smashes them into the pillar
11% The user throws the trash can at the enemy
18% The user holds the enemy then slams them rapidly against the jukebox

If you kill a player or dummy with a jukebox it starts to play music, more specifically, Free Bird

11% The user smashes the enemy's head into the TV, cracking it

Upon killing with this animation, the lights of the bar will be shut down

11% The user smashes the enemy's head into the bench, destroying it

When finishing, the user proceeds to slam twice

Specials Damage Information
Aerial Slam
4% Twirl around in the air while front flipping, striking the enemy in head with their left leg, ragdolling them
20% Punches the enemy 3 times before charging their right hand with bright orange flames and punches them 1 more time. Leaving the enemy's body charred.
14% Smashes the enemy with their right hand, switches to their left hand and smashes them 2 more times before smashing the enemy one more time with flames, sending the enemy tumbling with their body charred
11% Smashes the enemy 2 times before charges their left hand with ice, but quickly switches it to fire and smashing the enemy 1 more time against the trashcan, leaving the body charred


Passive list Damage Information
Spear of Ice
26% (Buffs M1 damage to 6-7% from 4-5%) Upon finishing someone with Ice Javelin, you get a spear that increases your m1 damage. This action will show a short cutscene, which can be done from both melee and ranged. (Downslams won't receive the DMG buff)
Glacial Resonance
14% Upon finishing someone, you will get an extra effect that increases the power of your Frost Counter and Burst moves.
  • Your counter will now stun the opponent (assuming they aren't hit) for ~10 seconds.
  • Frost Burst will be way larger, send targets less distance away (enough to safely land a downslam after a sidedash) .
  • Upon using either move the effect goes away until you land another finisher.
Cooldown Reset N/A After killing someone with credit your cooldowns resets.
  • This applies to all characters.


  • Split Ice was originally called "Todoroki", which is his canon name, which is slightly renamed. Before that, it was called Icy Hot.
  • The song in Split Ice's ultimate is "Frame of Mind" by Tristam and Braken
  • This character took about 9 months to complete.
  • This was the first character to have a massive amount of impact frames, as well as having the first ultimate animation that is a cutscene.
  • Although in the series Todoroki uses one side for ice and one for fire, during different M1 combos (uppercut, normal, etc.) different hands will be covered in ice.
  • He has some of the most effects ever used for a character's ultimate.
  • Sub Zero was originally called Freezing Variants, and Freezing Variants was originally called Freezing Grab.
  • Jet Kindling and Freezeburn Wave are based on Shoto's moves, Jet Kindling and Flashfreeze Heatwave respectively.
    • Freezeburn Wave was called Flashfreeze Heatwave.
  • Frost Burst could be based on Shoto's Heaven Piercing Ice Wall
  • Split Ice uses only ice-based moves in the base moveset as a reference for Shoto's hatred and disgust towards his father, Enji Todoroki, reasoned by how Shoto was used in childhood, to the point where his mother went insane by Endeavor's demeanor and threw boiling water at Shoto's left side of his face because of his resemblance to Endeavor.
  • Blazing Soul has a lot of references, so here is the list:
    • The walk scene is based off of a scene from Jujutsu Kaisen, in which the character Yuji Itadori menacingly walks towards the cursed spirit Mahito, with the song "Skyfall" by Adele playing in the background. It has become a well-known meme shown here.
    • One impact frame of when you walk down your enemy, there is text on a frame that says "press "E" to revive," which could be referencing Call Of Duty: Zombies' revive text.
    • There is a small chance of getting your character to say, "Where you go I go..." The opponent hit with this finisher also has an even lower chance to say, "HELP ME!!!!!!" or "PLEASE HELP!!!"
    • In the last impact frame, it says the line "Nah I'd win" which is based on Satoru Gojo's most famous line in Jujutsu Kaisen manga chapter 221.
    • In the last attack of the finisher, a small portion of REMEMBER by Masato (coldrain) plays during an impact frame.
    • The move Sub Zero had a different animation and had no variants before it was released.
Heroes Green Hero • Split Ice • Explosion Hero • Jet Engine
Villains Hero Slayer • Azure Flames • Symbol Of Fear • Warp Portal
Mastery Mastered Green Hero • Mastered Hero Slayer • Mastered Azure Flames
Private server+ The Strongest  • Huge Lady