Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki

Private Server Commands also known as Private Server+ is a gamepass for the game, Heroes Battlegrounds. If you buy this gamepass you must own a private server for it to work. The private servers are free.

What you obtain

Here is what you obtain when you buy the gamepass.

Commands Category

  • Kick Command: You can type "kick (player id or username)" to kick someone from your server.
  • Kick Players on Respawn: If you turn this option on, players get kicked from your private server once they respawn.
  • Lock Server: If you enable this option, you can make your private server non-joinable.
  • Disable Namu Spawning: Turning this command on will stop Namu from spawning in your private server.
  • Game Speed: Increases the overall speed of the game (Movement speed, speed of the moves, speed of audio, speed of ult activation)
  • Damage Multiplier: If you turn this option up or down, you can either make the damage lower or higher.
  • Hitbox Multiplier: If you turn this option up or down, you can make the hitbox bigger or smaller.
  • Gravity: If you turn this option up or down, you can have more or less gravity. More gravity can make you much more heavy but less gravity can make you lighter.
  • PS+ Command Permission: Gives PS+ Commands to anyone you select

Remove Objects Commands

If you turn any of this options on, the game removes them from the server until you turn it back off.

  • Remove Trash Cans
  • Remove Trees
  • Remove Pillars
  • Remove Benches
  • Remove Tiles


  • No Cooldowns (Only You): If you enable this option, you will have no cooldowns for any character.
  • Jump Cooldown (Only You): The jump cooldown is automatically turned on, if you turn this option off, you will have no cooldown for your jumps.


  • Max Parts Per Destruction: (I also do not know what this is, please add on to this.)
  • Max Destruction Parts: This will limit the amount if destruction parts in your private server. (i assume)


  • Spawn Death Note: You will be able to spawn the death note if you toggle on the option.
  • Spawn General's 45: Gives you a Gun
  • Give Infinity: Gives the move Infinity from the Gojo moveset
  • Spawn Punching Dummy: You can spawn a dummy that is punching.
  • Spawn Normal Dummy: You can spawn a dummy that is just normal.
  • Spawn Blocking Dummy: You can spawn a dummy that is holding block.
  • Spawn 1 HP Dummy: You can spawn a dummy that is 1 health.
  • Spawn Invincible Dummy: You can spawn a dummy that cannot be hit.
  • Spawn Evasive Dummy: You can spawn a dummy that uses its evasive upon ragdolling from M1's, or moves
  • Spawn NAN Dummy: You can spawn a dummy that has inf hp and never dies

Battle Royale



