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Namu is a Boss with 500 health added along with a special character named Warp Portal, being directly linked to the boss; it is the only way to obtain access to it. Killing the Namu will give you a small chance (if you're using Green Hero, Hero Slayer, or Azure Flames) of gaining Character mastery. If you don't get the character, your pity will be increased by 3, this pity increases your chances of obtaining Warp Portal. For some, it may take around 6 to even 12 tries to obtain Warp Portal, as it is all luck-based (There is a initial 7% chance of getting Warp Portal, as the chance goes up with your pity).


Namu spawns every 30 minutes in Private Servers, while in Public Servers he spawns every 3-5 hours. Namu will despawn after 40 minutes. He can also be spawned with 485 robux. After spawning him, he has a 5 second cooldown after killing him, and using respawn gamepasses will not work until the cooldown is over. Currently, he has around 500 HP but this goes up with each player.

When you kill Namu you get the badge "Namu Slayer". Every badge grants you an emote, so that means this badge will also give you an emote.

The top dealer damage to Namu is granted 2 emotes, the 2nd is granted 1 emote.

Sometimes. A bug In the system rarely happens, granting the 1st damage dealer a kill after Namu is defeated. (Happens In Private Server's Too)

Things to note:

  • Having teammates can be used to near guarantee a top 3 spot, as they prevent others from damaging during this time as well.
  • Namu has 500 HP as of the current update. The move BEYOND 100% does 50% to a normal player, only doing 10% to Namu currently. It previously did 6% way back around the period of when he was first added, making him far tougher.
  • M1'ing Namu is very risky, and you can't combo him for too long either considering he'll just buff himself when stunned by a combo-extender.
  • All of Namu's attacks can be countered when in melee range excluding Furious Roar. (see attacks below)
  • You can M1 trade with Namu, but this is risky considering he occasionally does moves after a singular M1.
  • Namu's Raging Strikes attack (see attacks below) can be avoided if you somehow manage to side dash and immediately backroll, although this is unlikely considering how fast the move comes out. For whatever reason, Namu almost ALWAYS does this attack after being hit with Curdle Pierce or Sanguine Symphony as a means to stop you before you can utilize the stun.
  • Namu is best fought with a small amount of people, but not a full public server.Namu gives players the same ultimate gain as the Weakest Dummy upon dealing damage to it.
  • Explosion hero's ultimate is good for Namu (Nomu)
  • Namu will occasionally ignore M1 stun and front dash stun, depending on ping.
  • Namu's Thunderclap (See below) is blockable, and will still send you upwards. Use it to maximize the damage of moves that scale with height. (Electric Smash of Mastered Green Hero, Detroit of Green Hero and etc.)
  • Namu can use it's moves (Ferocious Slam precisely) while using Relentless Pummel, or while being grabbed itself. Do keep it in mind.
  • When Namu getting closer to you, use Tenth Torch on Namu for 20% damage.
  • Hero Slayer's Crimson Parry triggers Namu's Furious Roar. Either try to use this move as carefully as possible, or either refrain from using it in general as to evade Namu from healing itself after using the move.
  • Namu will teleport into the middle if Namu isn't being attacked for a period of time.

Character Tips to fight the Namu

  • Green Hero: It is recommended to use mainly skills like Delaware and Detroit, since these two skills are useful to deal high damage instances in a moment to then retreat easily (Using Delaware's Aerial Variant is useful to avoid most of Namu's attacks, but damage-wise it's lackluster). It's awakening even though able to do quite a lot of damage requires a lot of spacing to not get interrupted while using all skills except for Cosmic States of Smash, as all the other moves can get countered by an stray hit from the Namu or a grab. If you DON'T have Mastered Green Hero its recommended to fight Namu with Green hero, since you get 5/7/10/13% mastery, as it's the most effective and consistent way to do so.
  • Hero Slayer: The base moveset has a good mid ranged move and grab that allows you to score a good amount of damage without worrying of interruptions, however, Curdle Pierce due to it's high startup and short range, is not recommended to be used unless the players wants to tank through Debris Toss (See attacks below), as other moves have high chances to interrupt it and cancel the move entirely. The awakening is extremely op, as Crimson Parry negates all it's moves if used correctly, as well as good close-mid ranged moves. Just like Green Hero, you can obtain mastery for Mastered Slayer, which will also give 5/7/10/13% Mastery
  • Split Ice: The abilities Split Ice has causes the FREEZE debuff, which when applied to Namu, greatly decreases his threat level and creates more time for attacks from others. This also helps if you are attempting to take him on solo, as it will give you more opportunity to land hits and back away from his attacks.
  • Explosion Hero: His awakening deals a lot of damage (For example, Exploding Star), and the Tenth Torch moveset (and Tenth Torch itself) deals extremely high damage (Example: Blast Away deals 20% damage). Through the damage of the activation of the first awakening, second awakening, and first three moves of Tenth Torch; will bring it down to less than 10% of its health remaining.

Misc Information:

  • It is highly recommended to fill up the awakening bar before Namu spawns, since awakening attacks usually deal high damage (the best ones are Split Ice, Hero Slayer and Explosion Hero (Tenth Torch is very good).
  • Don’t try to get close to Namu, as there’s a chance that the boss will charge a smash attack that deals AOE damage, this however can be countered by landing a grab/cutscene move. Sometimes you have a chance to do some mid damage when you are close to it. Using any ranged skill to attack from afar is good for the most part.
  • The Namu will run and focus its attacks towards the nearest player instead of the one who deals the most recent damage instance so, if you were to try and get the boss' aggro off of a player, simply move close by.
  • It is not recommended to use combo-extenders on the boss, as he will use an attack (Furious Roar) that will push all nearby players away. After that, he will be enraged (shown via a red outline) which will increase his damage, speed, heal the most recent amount of damage dealt to it, and make him be stunned for less time by all attacks with the exception of grabs/cutscene moves.
  • (Only for getting mastery for Green Hero and Hero Slayer) Then: It is suggested that you use Azure Flames or Explosion Hero to deal more damage, or for other players to use Azure Flames and Explosion Hero since they deal high damage, then switch back to Green Hero or Hero Slayer if Namu is on low health to get the mastery for them.
  • For fighting Namu solo it is best to use Hero Slayer, as his ult is long and has a high damage output.
  • If you fought Namu and won (in a private server) and didn't get any reward, try to join a public server and that should probably do the trick.


  • Basic M1's: A series of hits, which is slower than player's M1's, yet they deal more damage. The last hit could be either downslam, which rolls you away usually, either uppercut, which could make Namu strike you from above. However, Namu can replace last hit with Raging Strikes or Brutish Slams, leading to more damage taken. M1's are obviously blockable, but due to Namu having chance to replace it with one of two early mentioned attacks, blocking is usually useless. When trading M1's with Namu, if he hits you, immediately side dash away, because the boss can use Brutish Slams.
  • Basic M1's Tip: Never trade M1's with Namu, just keep off the distance with constant side dashes, and when you can, forward dash from behind.(You can even try but it has to be at the right time)
  • Raging Strikes: The Namu roars, before unleashing a chain of slash-like attacks with red effects, before either slamming the player down, either uppercutting them, which leads Namu to strike the player from above. Unblockable, and is capable of catching more than 1 target.
  • Raging Strikes' Tip: Whenever the boss roars, it will be indicated by circle-like shockwave appear in his head, and when the start-up occurs, do your best to dash away backwards, and then to side dash away for not even one hit to get you. When move ends, you can forward dash at Namu freely, unless he'll do Wild Lunge, which could waste your forward dash, and perhaps damage you.
  • Brutish Slams: The Namu swipes in front of himself, and if any player is near - he catches the nearest player and slams them into the ground repeatedly, up to 4 times. Namu then dangles the player by the leg, and stares at them before throwing them away with a roar. Unblockable.
  • Brutish Slams' Tip: There's no real way to avoid it, simply just hope that Namu won't ignore your stun and use it, otherwise you'll get constantly slammed into the ground.
  • Thunderclap: The boss reels his arms back, before performing a clap-like gesture to the front, which is powerful enough to send out a huge shockwave in fan-shaped area, which flings caught players upwards. Blockable.
  • Thunderclap's Tip: When approaching Namu, mostly it will be his first move, so don't block it, just side dash away from the range and forward dash to boss' back.
  • Debris Toss: Namu stomps off a chunk of debris from the ground and kicks it away, or rips it off and throws it at player. Blockable, and deals mild DMG(5% HP usually). Cannot kill you, no matter what.
  • Debris Toss' Tip: You can not really pay attention to it, just side dash away when the debris reaches the middle of your distance between your avatar and the boss himself.
  • Furious Roar: Whenever you use barrage-like attack (Ex. Texas, Thousand Slashes, One Million Slashes, Scarlet Frenzy, Sanguine Symphony, Crimson Parry upon successful activation), or stun Namu for a lot of time (Approximately - 8 seconds of stun), he'll roar, sending out a shockwave, which flings everyone nearby away for a considerable distance. The roar will heal Namu's health, depending on how much he lost (Thus barrage-like attacks is useless, cause the boss will just heal the whole damage out of it back), and also will buff his speed and strength, indicated by bright red outline surrounding him temporarily.
  • Furious Roar's Tip: It's simple, like really. Just don't use barrage-like attacks and you're fine.
  • Wild Lunge: The boss firstly roars, before doing one of variants: FIRST // Namu lunges forward enough to catch up to player's current spot and slams the ground, making the player roll away really far. SECOND // Namu lunges forward and lifts his hand up, which uppercuts the player, and Namu uses the moment then to strike the player from above.
  • Wild Lunge's Tip: It is easy to avoid, simply just immediately side dash away. However, both variants are unblockable and sometimes, if dashing at Namu and he'll use the move, consider your Forward Dash spent worthless.
  • Ferocious Slam: Namu roars while slowly lifting his hands to the sky, before slamming the ground in a powerful way, which launches players upwards, and strikes nearby one's from above to the ground. Unblockable.
  • Ferocious Slam's Tip:Better dash away backwards (Lit. Q + S together) from the range and then Forward Dash back at Namu to continue your combo. If too late, use the moves that give you Armor (Ex. Blackout Clutch, Explosion Combo, Blast Catapult, Subzero's Uppercut & Normal variants, Shadow Rush, Deteriorate, Quintuple Smash, Shadow Whip, Delaware Grab Normal Variant, and so on, most ultimate moves that has cutscene or Armor are included, too), or mobility moves that make you escape (Ex. Delaware Grab Air Variant right before the impact).
  • Reckless Pummel: Unique stun will force Namu to take a stance and wind his arms back, before lunging directly at the player and changing directions if dodging to the side, and when catching the player, the boss will slam them to the ground and rapidly punch them, before delivering a last, very powerful blow that could deal AoE damage to nearby players.
  • Reckless Pummel's Tip: Attacks like 4 M1, no matter what would you do, Downslam, Uppercut or normal last hit, will cause him to activate the move, and when you see his arms pulled back, backdash away. Using Explosion Combo, backdashing is futile - better extend it with immediate Blast Catapult, thus the move will be ignored by cutscene. Also it will be used whenever you land Whirlwind Pierce or Curdle Pierce, because Namu won't let you utilize the stun, so that way - backdash away when hit, and when the Reckless Pummel's start-up has failed, use the stun and do your combo.


  • When you learn his abilities, they will be very easy to avoid, that way fighting Namu in private server will be WAY easier, rather than with players in public, that'll do everything to deal at least 1%, ignoring the fact they damage other players, the boss just makes them desperate and reckless to defeat him and take first place.
  • Fighting Namu in private server not only saves a lot of time (30 minutes cooldown each spawn), it also makes incredibly faster grinding mastery, rather than kills and quests, thus if you rather to play in private server instead of in public, the public servers could see you as 0 kills player, who already has both mastered characters.
  • The Namu is based off of the Nomu[1] that debuted on My Hero Academia's USJ Arc.
  • It´s Thunderclap move might be a reference to The Hulk's Thunderclap in The Incredible Hulk (2008) movie.
  • When Namu spawns, he'll create a huge crater that sends players, and the dummy away, and then roars. Former cutscene was faster and visible, and formerly players could see Namu falling from the sky.
  • The Brutish Slams move is based on what The Hulk does to Loki in the "Avengers" movie.
  • Formerly it was stated that Namu has his own death cutscene if getting defeated by 1,000,000 %.
  • In Halloween, Namu has a pumpkin head, and during Christmas, it's a Santa Hat, in which you can claim as an accessory during the event.