Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki
Unfinished Page
If i cannot save a NPC's.. Then how can i be a hero that saves everyone?! - Izuku Midoriya
Mast hero green

Regardless how sad it is, this page lacks some information, perhaps Trivia, Images, or anything else. As your duty of a hero, you must help Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki by expanding it with more info! Go beyond, Plus Ultra!!

Weakest Dummy's Secret Santa

The W.D.S.S. can be found near Abandoned Store, behind the igloo. The W.D.S.S. seems to have a knife and a dead snowman behind them. Unlike regular players, the W.D.S.S. has 100 health instead of 110.


Weakest Dummy's Secret Santa.

Weakest Dummy

The Weakest Dummy is found in the the middle of the map. It can be used to fill your awakening bar and learn new combos. Unlike regular players, the Weakest Dummy has 100 health instead of 110.


Weakest Dummy’s Archnemesis

The Weakest Dummy’s Arch-Nemesis is found on the corner of the map on a tiny arena. It has the same purpose as the weakest dummy to help fill your awakening bar and learn new combos. Unlike regular players, the Weakest Dummy's Arch-Nemesis has 100 health instead of 110.

Daily Quest Giver

The daily quest giver used to be found at the abandoned shop until it got removed. It got replaced by the new Mastery UI. Currently, there are only 4 quests. These 4 quests are:

  1. Defeat 5 villains: 5% Mastery
  2. Defeat 5 heroes: 5% Mastery
  3. Destroy 12 trees: 4% Mastery
  4. Awaken 3 times: 5% Mastery

The Strongest

This NPC is located at the side of the arena. This NPC can give you The Strongest, although the chance to obtain the character is extremely rare, claiming the rarity of 1/1,350,000 chance. If approaching him, the NPC will say: Throughout Heaven and Earth, are you the honored one?, and upon attempt, Satoru (NPC) can say either "better luck in 24 hours" if you didn't obtained the moveset. Although, if you get "YES YES YOU ARE at least for 24 hours", that means usage of The Strongest is now accessible to you in PUBLIC servers.

Mei Hatsume
Mei Hatsume

Gamepass Shop NPC (Mei Hatsume)

She is found near the Quest Giver as the shopkeeper. Interacting with her will allow you to buy and gift gamepasses with robux. She is based off of Mei Hatsume from My Hero Academia (going off of her looks)

Witch NPC Halloween Event (Currently removed)

This NPC was located near the purple slide. To the left of where the "weakest dummy's archnemesis" resides. The NPC gives three different Dialogues. (btw "i see you have 0 candies" this means 0 candies can go up to an infinite amount, like 1000 or something)

Opening Dialogue

Welcome! I see you have 0 candies! What would you like to do with them?

Which One Will It Be?

An Emote? These are popular this time of year, would you like anything specific?

This is Halloween!, you can interest with Doors found randomly around the map to earn candies, although beware, not everybody is in a festive mood since killing people also grants candy.

You're Able to exchange candy with me, allowing yourself to earn special emotes/cosmetics that are only available for a limited amount of time.

(Breaks Interaction.)

Santa Claus NPC (Christmas Event)


Santa Claus House.

PS+ npcs

punching dummy: the punching dummy is only obtainable from ps+ in the spawnables section. It does M1’s before taking a short cooldown and then repeating the cycle. It is mainly used to find combos that are not interruptible from the opponent and testing counters.

blocking dummy/scared dummy (canon): the blocking dummy is only obtainable from ps+ in the spawnables section. Once it is spawned it will block the entire time it is alive until it does or its block is broken. It is mainly used to practice side dashing behind the opponent and finding one shot combos.

1 hp dummy: the 1 hp dummy is only obtainable from ps+ in the spawnables section. Unlike other dummies, it has only 1 hp hence the name. It is mainly used to find finishers.

invincible dummy: the invincible dummy is only obtainable from ps+ in the spawnables section. It has no hp and cannot be killed. It is unknown what it is used for due to it just being released other than trying to kill it. (If you wonder, none of the moves of The Strongest can kill the dummy, even Blue will leave it alive, however invisible. Red will leave it alive, but only with legs, and the same goes for Purple - it won't kill the dummy either.)

evasive dummy: the evasive dummy is only obtainable from ps+ in the spawnables section. Once the dummy is ragdolled, it will evasive dash no matter how many times you ragdoll it. It is mainly used to find true combos.
