You had every advantage! The best training. An ideal body. Yet you depend on others! You´re a spoiled little brat who never bothered to reach his full potential! I'm sure nobody ever told you that to your face but families should be honest, right? You are an aimless half-baked puppet! You will never amount to anything in this world!¨
- Dabi expresses his thoughts on Shoto as he lands a Jetburn and sends Shoto flying away.
Mastered Azure Flames is the 13th character to be released in Heroes Battlegrounds (if counting Huge Lady, and The Strongest). Mastered Azure Flames is only obtainable through achieving 100% mastery on Azure Flames.
Moves take a lot of time to finish, which is useful for wasting your opponent's awakening bar if you get them in a combo.
Really low cooldowns; they decrease even more while in Violet Form.
Cinder Bind has a big AoE, which is good for slowing down teamers and prevent further 3rd parties.
Cinder Bind cannot be punished even if missed or blocked because the move has a lingering hitbox that lasts until the fire circle disappears, and if you try to m1 trade with the user of Cinder Bind before the burst hits you, you will get stunned by the move and allow a small opening for the other player to attack you with m1s or other moves.
Can hide within the fire circle that Cinder Bind creates to regenerate health and wait off cooldowns because the move can still hit them as long as they were not already hit by the move before or if the fire circle has not disappeared yet.
Most moves have I-frames, which is good for fighting teamers or avoiding 3rd parties.
Moves have very high finishing ranges, and have great range and mobility
Moves come back 20% faster in violet mode
Low damage on moves without the use of m1s and skill chains compared to other characters.
Violet form deals less overall damage than azure form.
Harder to use than Azure Flames, due to having 2 different movesets.
Currently has the same ultimate as its Non-Mastery
The ultimate takes longer to fill up than its Non-Mastery
Violet Form drains HP, which makes recovering lost HP in Violet Form impossible without getting a kill (around 5 min before automatically reverting to Azure Form).
Cooldowns are shared between both movesets, unlike Mastered Hero Slayer, making you rely on timing with the low cooldowns to chain the moves together.
An unique combination of punches and kicks, concluded by the user punching their opponent away with fire-powered punch.
Infernal Assault (First Charge)
Charge does 1%, move does 9%
22 sec
The user rushes forward before striking the enemy and then executing an uppercut before they kick them using their right leg.
Cannot hit grounded players
Contains false Super-armor (Will still get damaged by other moves)
Cannot hit grounded players/or combo-extend
Fast activation
Can hit upon ragdoll wakeup similar to triple dagger throw
Infernal Assault (Second Charge)
Charge does 2%, the move does 11%
22 sec
The user rushes forward before striking the enemy and then executing an uppercut before they kick them away using their right leg.
Cannot hit grounded players or combo-extend
Range has a slight increase from the first charge
Can hit upon ragdoll wakeup to bypass wakeup armor similar to triple dagger throw
Infernal Assault (Third Charge)
Charge does 4%, the move does 7%
22 sec
The user rushes forward before striking the enemy and then executing an uppercut before they kick them using their right leg.
Can combo-extend with a forward or side dash.
Cannot hit grounded players
Can hit upon ragdoll wakeup and combo extend similar to triple dagger throw
Range increases even more from the other charges
Damage of the attack when landed on a enemy decreases (7%) but the damage from the charges makes up for it and can let you deal 11% in total if you hit them with the move while they are not ragdolled.
Only 1st UseHell ShotWith 2nd Use
12% (6% First use and second)
24 sec
Send out a wave of flames; upon using this move twice in quick succession will lunge forward, conjuring a scythe of ice as you swing forward.
Cannot combo-extend with a forward or side dash
This move is blockable, but you can still do both inputs even if blocked
This move has decent range (3 tiles), but leaves you in 1 position
Great setup for Glacial Cinder
Ragdolls the enemy just enough for a downslam.
Glacial Cinder
15 sec
Grab your opponent and slam them to the ground, kicking them in the head before throwing them before sending out a ice glacier.
Grants I-frames upon landing
Launches the enemy far away, best for ending a combo or running
Unblockable (Grab type move)
Finisher starts at 13%
Scorching Surge
2% (On second use)
5 sec
Shift to the violet form, with 3 buffed versions of the previous moves while taking small DOT effects. You can regenerate health with each kill (health gain depends on how much health you have remaining)
When switching movesets, Hell Assault cooldown is reduced by 1/4
Deals damage to the user (0.9% every second) which also disables regeneration, preventing you from recovering health naturally without getting a kill
Can hit grounded players, but doesn't extend the ragdoll duration of the target
Has hyper armor upon use
If you are below 25% health, the move won't work and will keep you in Azure form
Hell Assault
16 sec
The user kicks the enemy with both feet in quick succession before sending the enemy tumbling backwards. The user then runs after them and kicks them airborne with their right foot covered in blue flames, the user than leaps above the enemy and kick slams them back to the ground.
Can hit grounded/ragdolled players
Has the stun duration of Explosion Combo
Only First UsePhantom ShotWith Second Use
10% (6% first use and 4% second use)
24 sec
The user shoots out a small stream of violet flames that sends the enemy back. Then the user dashes forward and delivers a punch and kick combo to send the enemy further back.
Can hit grounded players
Can combo-extend using front dash if you're fast enough, however it'll only give you two m1s if you do this, and if you are too slow the enemy will knocked away by the front dash, making combo-extending impossible
Has the same range as Hell Shot
has faster startup than Hell Shot
deals less damage than hell shot but in exchange it allows for combo extending with front dash on the first use
Cinder Bind
12 sec
The user touches the ground, causing Blue and Violet flames to spread around into a circle around the user, which then surrounds enemies trapped within the circle with a miniature circle of blue flames that prevents the enemies from taking another step, and after a short amount of time, the ground below the enemy erupts with blue flames that blasts the enemy upwards.
The person caught in the circle cannot ragdoll cancel, move, or block when trapped, however, if they are not stunned by other attacks, there is a small window for them to block the move before the burst hits.
You can actually do other moves like Hell Assault or Phantom Shot while the enemy is trapped (Will still deal the cinder bind damage)
The enemy in the circle can get M1ed by the user, or ragdolled in addition to the cinder bind damage
Has the same stun duration of Explosion Combo
Cannot be punished due to the enemy still being able to be trapped by the move because of the lingering hitbox that lasts until the fire circle disappears
Scorching Surge (2nd Use)
5 sec
The user goes into a fighting stance that sends the enemy a few studs backwards, returning to the Azure form.
Unlike switching into the Violet Form, this version deals damage
Switches your moveset back to Azure form
Finishing range starts at 13%
Can hit ragdolled players, but doesn't it extend the ragdoll duration of the target
Has hyper armor upon use
Infernal Assault
The user grabs the enemy's neck with their left hand while punching the enemy with both hands covered in blue and violet fire. The user then uppercuts the enemy into the air, and grabs the enemy upside down and smashes their head into the ground, which makes the enemy come back in the air. In that brief moment, the user grabs their neck with their left hand before channeling intense amounts of blue and violet fire that burns the target alive, leaving their body brutally burned.
Triggers at 18%
Glacial Cinder
After the normal move concludes, the user summons an additional ice glacier that sends the enemy back while the user grabs another glacial mid air to propel themselves to the enemy. The user then conjures a Ice Javelin and uses the javelin to perform a combo of attacks midair which includes the user spinning the Javelin upwards to strike the enemy multiple times in the mid section. The user then sends the enemy back towards the ground with the javelin, the user then throws the javelin after the falling target and dashes after the enemy midair. The user than grabs the javelin that is impaled into the enemy and spins them around upward before sticking the javelin into their torso and pile driving them into the ground, which causes ice spikes to appear in a circle around the user. The user than throws the enemy away which detaches them from the javelin, marking the enemy's death.
Triggers at 17%
Scorching Surge
After performing the normal move, the user performs a devastating combo of punches to the enemy before delivering one more rib crunching punch to their chest that sends the enemy far away
Triggers at 13%
Hell Assault
The user kicks the enemy with both feet in quick succession before sending the enemy tumbling backwards. The user then runs after them then kicks them into the air before leaping up after then and kicking them higher into the sky as they fly to them and send them back down burnt to a crisp.
Triggers at 15%
Phantom Shot (Second Use)
After the user unleashes a straightforward torrent of flames, the user charges forward, but they dropkick into their opponent, instead of beating them. The opponent barrel-rolls away while the user chases them down to punch them into the ground. The user then grabs them and slightly crushes their head, tossing them aside as they vanish away, just to strike the opponent's head from the direction they fly into, forcing them to fall onto the ground, looking into it and being defenseless. The user stands after their opponent in a savage way, charging immense volumes of violet fire to release it into the opponent, causing them to scorch the user's opponent into the oblivion, marking them brutally deceased with no signs of life.
Triggers at 14%
Hell Shot (Second Use)
The user blasts a deadly wave of blue flames at the opponent, before conjuring a weapon of ice and striking the target in the torso, and right after that, the user leaps towards the enemy and slams them to the ground using the weapon of ice, causing them the bounce upwards due to the force behind the blow before the user leaps upwards again and delivers one last deadly blow using the weapon of ice that ignites the enemy in blue and violet flames, burning them into a crisp before causing the ice weapon evaporate.
~35% (Fire damage Included)
The user creates a flame in their hand, then spreads around and shoots it into the air. After that, the user flies up, leaving the blue fire trail and forming a bright blue flame shaped like an x across their torso and lights up their eyes.
~0.5 seconds
Same with the passive M1 but bigger and the final hit is two-handed.
Last hit goes through block
Azure Flames Blitz
18 seconds
The user grabs the opponent and then hits the ground with their fist covered in blue flame, after which they repeat the action and hit with great force.
Very Small hitbox
Has I-frames during cutscene
Cancels out any non I-frame moves
Frostflame Eruption
16 Seconds
The user fills the space with ice, freezing opponents, after which the ice explodes, pushing them away.
Can be interrupted at start
Can be interrupted if the Ice doesn't hit target
Flamewave Burst
21 Seconds
The user raises hands up into an X stance, before bursting out a devastating wave of blue flames.
Contains I-frames, but endlag at end of move
Front Dashing after this move does not send the enemy back
If hit by another move during activation, the move will not be canceled but will move across the map
Peaking Scorch
25 Seconds
The user gets on their marks, and rushes forward with huge trail of blue flames chasing them similar to ember assault. Then, the user smashes their opponent's face and then leaps above them, before smashing them down and finishing with their flame breath, unleashing a devastating wave of scorching flames.
Combo-Extender with M1's
Does not Bypass Block
Contains Hyper-Armor
8% (or 20% on 4th M1)
The user punches the enemy in the stomach then takes them by their head smashing them into the tree
If the user's M1 count is four, they holds an enemy then smashes said enemy towards the Tree 3 times, the fourth time smashes the enemy flying
The user holds enemy's head and smashes them into the pillar
The user throws the trash can at the enemy
The user holds the enemy then slams them rapidly against the jukebox
If you kill a player or dummy with a jukebox it starts to play music, more specifically, Free Bird
The user smashes the enemy's head into the TV, cracking it
Upon killing with this animation, the lights of the bar will be shut down
The user smashes the enemy's head into the bench, destroying it
When finishing, the user proceeds to slam twice
Aerial Slam
The user performs a front flip with diagonal spin before dealing a powerful, flame-powered downward punch to their opponent.
The user holds the enemies neck while punching the enemy 3 times against the tree. They then charge blue flames into their right hand and deliver one final punch that breaks the tree, leaving the enemy charred.
The user grabs the enemy with their right hand and slam them into the pillar. Then they slam them again with their left hand 2 more times. Then they charge their left hand with blue flames and delivers one more powerful slam that breaks the pillar and leaves the enemy charred
The user holds the trashcan with their right hand while smashing the enemy against the trashcan 2 times before charging blue flames into their left hand, delivering one last smash that breaks the trashcan. The enemy is left charred.
Passive Name
Glacial Javelin
26% (total)
If the user does the Glacial Cinder finisher, they will get access to an ice spear identical to Split Ice's Ice Javelin finisher passive, this also stacks with Scorching Fists passive, allowing you to have extended M1 range along with M1 damage being enhanced at the same time.
Scorching Fists
25% (total)
If the user does a finisher of attacks such as Infernal Assault, their fists will be engulfed in blue flames for a short period of time, which increases M1 damage. With the passive, the player does 25% damage in total (Including burn damage).
Cooldown Reset
After killing someone with credit, all cooldowns for your moves reset.
You can cancel aerial downslams using some of the moves to surprise or catch your opponent.
The Violet Crashout trailer was revealed on the Heroes Battlegrounds Youtube Channel (this is an animation): Click here to see the trailer.
There was a contest in the Discord to create Mastered Azure Flames ultimate moveset.