Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki

Heroes Battlegrounds is a ROBLOX game that was created on April 10, 2023. The game was made by a group of people that go by the name of more awesome games yo.

Game Description

This update: NEW UPDATE! Hero Slayer Mastery ULTIMATE (1 move) + new Jet Engine move charge! New Warp Portal finisher + new LIMITED TIME EMOTES and MORE!


Fight to become the #1 Hero or Villain.

🎮 This experience works on all devices (CONSOLE, PC, MOBILE).

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💪 Fight bosses, and unlock mastered versions of characters to become the strongest hero or villain.

a Battleground experience


Main page: Controls


Heroes Battlegrounds has many characters available to play and some are special characters. You are able to select your character using the character selection menu. Some of the character abilities are long-ranged and some are short-ranged. When you kill someone you will gain some health from it. Players can emote by pressing B and selecting a emote.


Heroes Battlegrounds also has some other features within the game, such as Interaction With Objects, the Emote Page, and Ultimate Mode.
