Regardless how sad it is, this page lacks some information, perhaps Trivia, Images, or anything else. As your duty of a hero, you must help Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki by expanding it with more info! Go beyond, Plus Ultra!!

Welcome to the Guide Page! On this page you should be able to find tips and tricks about using every character in Heroes Battlegrounds, I used to be a Top 1,000 player but then I left for 4 months and got my main account banned, but now my alt has 4,000 kills. I will update this page weekly!
- Introduction of The Sovereignty: Greetings. I'm Sovereign, a well-known page contributor that is transfashioning the pages into accurate and well-designed versions of them. For all edits i made, i managed to rewrite a lot of pages, and here we are - now i'm one of Guide Page workers, and the creator and discovered of Techniques page. Rather than hosting a reckless rampage in Heroes Battlegrounds, i preferred to research every single character, to gain knowledge about them that will help me to get kills efficiently. Due to spending my time into exploration, i barely reached 1 000 kills, but that's not a problem to me. This page contains every single character, even the mastered versions of them, Ultimate Mode of theirs and even combos for them. Wanna take a look? Here you go, you can take your time and see what this page has hid for you.
- Noobie has no need for introduction, it's others who MUST introduce him themselves. 😎👍
- TheDrippyJokester - Page Creator, Heroes Battlegrounds Historian
- The1S0ver31gnty (as known as Sovereign) - Page Designer & Stylist, Heroes Battlegrounds Researcher
- NoobiE2468 (as known as Noobie) - Page Protector, Anti Vandalism Specialist
- SoyFlatWhite (as known as Bliffy) - Page Contributor, Punctuation Checker
- NoobiE2468 (as known as Noobie) - Page Protector, Anti Vandalism Specialist
- The1S0ver31gnty (as known as Sovereign) - Page Designer & Stylist, Heroes Battlegrounds Researcher
Things To Mark
- Armor (Ignorance) - Upon using the move, you're immune to M1's and several moves, however you might be vulnerable to attacks from Ultimates and Grab-type moves. (Example: PEAKING SCORCH, Ember Assault.)
- From both Ignorance and Immunity, you are vulnerable to Curdle // Whirlwind Pierce moves.
- Super Armor (Immunity) - Upon using the move, you're immune to M1's and most of the moves, although vulnerable to Grab-type moves and, in some cases, Ultimates. (Example: Quintuple Smash.)
- Hyper Armor (I-Frames // Invincibility) - The highest form of Ignorance. Upon using the move, you're immune to EVERY SINGLE damaging means possible, ignoring absolutely everything that comes in your path until the end of the move. (Example: BLAST AWAY, Blackout Clutch, Ember Eruption(Formerly), Detroit.)
- Combos - A combination of moves, M1's and proper timings into a chain of health-wiping, or, sometimes, true Combos. Each combo has it's own unique timing and situation when you need to use it, with OneShot combos being the most effective and is mostly used in any case when you want.
- M1 // M1's - Simply, Left Mouse Button. This phenomena is accessible by clicking it up to 4 times or holding until M1's has ended.
- Teamers - A team containing 2 or more people that will charge at their opponent, resulting into 2 Versus 1 or even worse. Considered as measly and pathetic by the whole community, and if there will be a helping hand on the server, in exchange, Teamers gain the worst punishment for their actions, mostly being targeted by squad of professional Heroes Battlegrounds players right until they leave. Some of such player types can be an another professional player or someone full of overconfidence and toxicity speech, with the second type aiming to taunt and enrage you, while the first one gets the most of the shame when players notice the player's actions and their kill count.
- I.W.O // Interaction With Objects - A damaging animation that activates immediately right when you M1 on your opponent, in condition if they're near the tree, pillar, bench or a trashcan. Won't work on boundaries of the map or rocks. The unique interaction can happen at Villain Hideout, near jukebox or TV. You can also activate it near or inside the Abandoned Store, the location where Daily Quest Giver resides.
- Evasive - A phenomena that lets you escape some of the moves and other stunning means that usually supposed to hold and stun you for the full duration. Better to use it wisely and never waste it so fast, unless you know what you're doing.
- Sure-Hit - A phenomena that can hit your opponent regardless their efforts or even though they used Evasive.
- Awakening Armor - When you or your opponent stand up, you or they ignore M1 damage for 0.6 seconds.
- SuperDash - A technique when you jump and use any move, before immediately using Forward Dash. In Update 8.9, unfortunately, this Tech is no longer working, as the developers has fixed it, tested by this page's editor.
- Awakening Armor - When you or your opponent stand up, you or they ignore M1 damage for 0.6 seconds.
- Sure-Hit - A phenomena that can hit your opponent regardless their efforts or even though they used Evasive.
- Evasive - A phenomena that lets you escape some of the moves and other stunning means that usually supposed to hold and stun you for the full duration. Better to use it wisely and never waste it so fast, unless you know what you're doing.
- I.W.O // Interaction With Objects - A damaging animation that activates immediately right when you M1 on your opponent, in condition if they're near the tree, pillar, bench or a trashcan. Won't work on boundaries of the map or rocks. The unique interaction can happen at Villain Hideout, near jukebox or TV. You can also activate it near or inside the Abandoned Store, the location where Daily Quest Giver resides.
- Teamers - A team containing 2 or more people that will charge at their opponent, resulting into 2 Versus 1 or even worse. Considered as measly and pathetic by the whole community, and if there will be a helping hand on the server, in exchange, Teamers gain the worst punishment for their actions, mostly being targeted by squad of professional Heroes Battlegrounds players right until they leave. Some of such player types can be an another professional player or someone full of overconfidence and toxicity speech, with the second type aiming to taunt and enrage you, while the first one gets the most of the shame when players notice the player's actions and their kill count.
- M1 // M1's - Simply, Left Mouse Button. This phenomena is accessible by clicking it up to 4 times or holding until M1's has ended.
- Combos - A combination of moves, M1's and proper timings into a chain of health-wiping, or, sometimes, true Combos. Each combo has it's own unique timing and situation when you need to use it, with OneShot combos being the most effective and is mostly used in any case when you want.
- Hyper Armor (I-Frames // Invincibility) - The highest form of Ignorance. Upon using the move, you're immune to EVERY SINGLE damaging means possible, ignoring absolutely everything that comes in your path until the end of the move. (Example: BLAST AWAY, Blackout Clutch, Ember Eruption(Formerly), Detroit.)
- Super Armor (Immunity) - Upon using the move, you're immune to M1's and most of the moves, although vulnerable to Grab-type moves and, in some cases, Ultimates. (Example: Quintuple Smash.)
- From both Ignorance and Immunity, you are vulnerable to Curdle // Whirlwind Pierce moves.
Green Hero // Izuku Midoriya
"Like All Might said... Giving help that nobody asked for... Is what makes you a true hero!"
Izuku Midoriya, Green Hero, reaching out to Tenya Ida, Jet Engine.
Green Hero is the first character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds,
The character itself is quite versatile with their moves, being able to play offensive and defensive anytime, with the moves making the character nigh-unreachable and deadly. Unlike others, this character deals the biggest damage only with two-move combos at most, which forces the character to either repeat the same combo over and over, unfortunately.
The user winds their arm back while charging their fist with prominent amount of energy, punching afterwards.
The user charges their fist with powerful energy, striking their opponent from above, making a crater beneath them.
- When using Detroit after uppercut, the start-up will be cancelled immediately upon detecting the opponent, which strikes them faster than usually.
- Stun duration of Detroit's Aerial Variant is enough for you to hold your Left Mouse Button for 3 M1's, before immediately shifting it into an uppercut, thus extending your combo further.
- After you use Detroit, you IMMEDIATELY gain Invincibility, simply I-Frames, which allows you to punish offensive and defensive players whenever used correctly.
- Detroit can be used raw safely, as it's fast enough to land on your opponent if immediately activated after M1's.
- After downslam, Detroit's Aerial Variant can be instantly applied, if you use Detroit (1) right immediately, resulting into a double downslam.
- Formerly, you could deal up to 3 downslams when Aerial Downslam wasn't reworked, and when every single move had stun duration the same as Detroit's Aerial Variant currently has, you could deal up to 5 downslams at that point. Surprised?
The user leaps into the air while spinning, before delivering a nimble kick that sends the opponent away.
The user spins twice, whereupon landing a swift, devastating kick on their opponent that sends them away.
- This is the old version of Manchester, which was far shorter, yet easier to parry.
- After a rework, Manchester is now capable of being a Combo-Extender after Detroit or Delaware.
- And along with it, Manchester became unblockable, meaning it is necessary to avoid it.
- Because Manchester became a perfect version of itself, now every single move in Green Hero's base moveset breaks block, if including Texas' last punch.
- Manchester gained a lot of mobility with its rework, now being a Combo-Extender and Combo-Ender.
- Even though the start-up of Manchester can be disrupted, the rest of the move has I-Frames.
- Because Manchester is unblockable, it can leave your opponents worried if they will be hit by a finisher upon condition that they are low on HP, forcing them to instinctively dodge the move, otherwise being unable to save themselves.
The user enhances their finger with energy, before flicking a powerful blast outwards.
The user spins horizontally, before smashing the air with a heavy pressure made by their energy.
- Delaware's start-up is extremely fast, which allows you to play aggressive or abruptly sometimes.
- Delaware is both close-range and long-range attack, because it's followed with a huge blast that can cancel the most of your opponent's moves, such as Forward Dash, for example.
- Delaware is quite unpredictable, due to it dealing 10-16% damage (Determined on if their usage of Evasive. In case of Aerial Variant - it depends on if the opponent was ragdolled by the blast.), yet being an unblockable finisher whenever the opponent has 15% HP left.
- Despite Delaware's Aerial Variant being blockable, it's finisher is unblockable, killing the opponent regardless in two conditions - if they are in range and if they are low on HP.
- Delaware can be used to damage your opponent in the start of the battle and save Detroit in case if you catch them again, thus giving you an advantage and for the damage to be effective.
The user barrages their opponent fiercely, increasing velocity with each punch before delivering a hard blow.
- Texas is your main Combo-Extender for the character, also evident by the move being used in every single combo for Green Hero.'
- Texas is a move that can extend your True Combo duration, however, after the move ends - everything you can do is use any of 3 remaining moves, ending your True Combo anyway.
- Texas' usage grants you extra M1 (2 M1's) afterwards, allowing you to use Detroit right immediately after first M1.
- Texas' last punch is unblockable, which is useful in case if your opponent holds F for too long. Although, they can move out of the move's range or cancel the entire move precisely.
- Texas can hit ragdolled and grounded opponents, also giving you enough stun for you to continue your M1 Chain. Using Detroit immediately, without M1's, is useless, because opponent can easily evade it, though.
Now, as you did a little overview of Green Hero's base moveset, now you can take a look at the character's Ultimate Mode.
The user gets on their knees, collapsing on the ground, before a spark of hope flows within them, forcing them to punch the ground and increase their power, evident by their changed appearance.
- Formerly, character's Ultimate was simply called "Ultimate", before being renamed into "Maximum Overdrive".
- The Ultimate deals literally no damage, meaning everybody nearby can safely approach you, or even attack if they are precise enough, not letting you to escape once the animation ends.
- Due to how Ultimate animation is designed, toxic and overconfident players can approach you from behind and... NUH UH.
- Green Hero's Ultimate deals 180% damage altogether, being one of the strongest Ultimates after Explosion Hero's TENTH TORCH.
- The character's Ultimate are meant to be aggressive, but wise. Don't use all the moves recklessly, stay patient. And how to use them properly - you can take a look from now on.
The user charges an enormous amount of energy, lunging forward with blinding speed, leaving only distorted afterimages after themselves, before performing a feint punch, actually kicking from behind after. Driven by desire to be a hero, the user charges even more energy, forcing nearby debris to levitate upwards, before the user spreads their arms side-to-side and looks upwards, vanishing away and then materializing behind their opponent once again, kicking them, then punching them upwards and smashing them down to the ground from above. After powerful smashes, the user projects an immeasurable amount of huge fists, which beat their opponent to a pulp, once the user commands them to do so.
The user vanishes away and suddenly appears behind their opponent, smashing them upwards and afterward smashing them several times, whereupon unleashing a volley of punches, which barrage the opponent from above.
- Formerly, it was a deadliest move due to lacking any start-up, nowadays you need to precisely aim yourself to not let your opponent evade yourself.
- BEYOND 100% sometimes might not deal their respective 50% damage, if the opponent is having problems with ping. Though, after some seconds or even a minute, the opponent can fall to the ground against their will and create a BEYOND 100%'s crater, receiving these 50% damage afterward.
- BEYOND 100% cannot hit grounded or ragdolled opponents, meaning you need to use it precisely in such cases, or use BEYOND 100% after Cosmic States of Smash.. but it's recommended using 1 000 000% after it.
- You can use Detroit after BEYOND 100%, in case if your Ultimate has ended, and deal 20% to your opponent.
- ..Although, because every single cutscene now stops your Ultimate Bar from draining, now it's very rare to be able to use Detroit after.
- BEYOND 100%'s hitbox is odd, meaning that you have great possibilities to hit someone else you didn't wanted to, rendering the cutscene annoying for you.
The user extends their leg forwards and rushes forward at blinding speed faster than the eye can see, kicking into their opponent as the power behind the user's kick was enough to blast them away.
- The move's mobility is huge, scaling up to 12 Tiles forward.
- You can play aggressive and abrupt with it, because it's the rarest case when somebody will block your Cosmic States of Smash. The opponent will mostly be distracted or lacking proper reflexes, resulting into them getting a huge damage.
- The move can counter the most of moves if they aren't containing I-Frames or the enemy move isn't a Counter-type move.
- Recently the developer has added an endlag to Cosmic States of Smash upon miss and being blocked, the most endlag goes for the move being blocked, rendering you unable to dash away or press F before being attacked. A double-edged sword, depending on who uses the move - you, or your opponent, since it might be an advantage, or a problem.
- The move can be cancelled only in close-range, as the split second of start-up is the only part that you can interrupt the move with.
The user concentrates and builds up energy into their fists, before spinning to deal an unexpected blow. Shortly afterward, they unleash a devastating barrage of punches, so fast that the enemy's body cannot respond to them yet. Winding their arm backward in slow motion, the user smashes their fist into their opponent, blasting them away with an outrageous force.
- An entire move has I-Frames, yet can be countered by ONLY Counter-type and Cutscene-type moves.
- The move's start-up is at turtle-like speed, and it travels only 2.5 tiles forward, so the only situation you can use it is that if your opponent plays aggressive.
- The move, due to having I-Frames, ignores every single move, even NUKE or BLAST AWAY, but not the 2 other moves from TENTH TORCH. The only moves it's vulnerable to is Counter and Cutscene.
- Due to lacking good mobility, the move can be effortlessly dodged by the opponents that is quick on the trigger.
- Regardless how awful the mobility and slowness of the move is, it deals a lot of damage, and if the opponent wastes their Evasive from the final blow, you can get a free HP-draining blows upon catching the opponent.
The user gets on their marks, to run at such force and speed the ground ruptures beneath, before an energy sparks in their legs, as the user transits into a slow motion, eventually dashing in zig-zag pattern, scorching the ground by the friction, as they dropkick their opponent, which sends them fly away. The user utilizes the momentum to their advantage, to run after them and appear behind to deal a powerful, energy-powered strike, whereupon charging even more energy into their fist as their blows hit the air, creating such pressure in it to the point where fist projections form, as the user performs a violent volley of such projections, which hits their opponent akin to a bullet.
The user prepares themselves for a run, running so hard the ground collapses, eventually dashing in zig-zag pattern, scorching the ground by the friction, as they dropkick their opponent, but this time - the opponent hits the ground thrice in a row after the blow, while the user vanishes away, just to land from above dramatically. Then, shortly afterward, the user's eye is flashing, as the past of other users of their power bounces midair in shape of colorful star seven times in a row, whereupon the user grabs it, to deal a vanquishing blow to the opponent's abdomen, sending them flying away under indomitable force.
- The move can be cancelled if you are being hit in close range. The other part of the move has I-Frames, which will let you ignore anything at most.
- The aim of the move is crooked, meaning you can either not hit your opponent, either hit someone else, which renders the whole move annoying.
- Not only that, an innocent player you hit with the move on accident might probably go after you regardless your condition..
- The only hitbox in the move is the zig-zag dash, meaning that you need to wait a lot, in order to land it.
- Unreliable in combos, and only can be used raw, because even if using it immediately after Cosmic States of Smash or AZURE FLAMES:BLITZ (The Azure Flames variant needs confirmation.) will still let the opponent a chance to escape.
- FUN FACT:It is very satisfying to land the finisher variant on toxic teamers if they are after you. >:D
As you discovered the character's Ultimate and realized how insane it is, now it's time for you to see some combos for Green Hero, that might be useful to you at least once.
The combos that you'll see below is created and imagined by TheDrippyJokester. TheDrippyJokester's combos are seem to be relying on damage and how exactly true the combo is. Either it might be true and powerful, either it might be extremely hard to perform.
- Easy Combo: 3 M1's + Texas + 1 M1 + Jump + Delaware (Air) + Detroit (Air) + Manchester (64%)
- Medium Combo: 3 M1's + Downslam (Make sure the opponent wastes their Evasive and catch them) + 3 M1's + Uppercut + Texas + 1 M1 + Uppercut + Delaware - Aerial Variant + Detroit - Aerial Variant + Ragdolled Uppercut + Manchester (93%)
- Hard Combo: 3 M1's + Uppercut (Waste Evasive) + Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Uppercut + Delaware (Air) + Detroit (Air) + (Ragdolled Downslam) + Texas + 1 M1 + Uppercut + Instant Aerial Downslam + Manchester (98%)
- Challenging Combo: 3 M1 + Uppercut (Waste Evasive) + Forward Dash + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Detroit (Air) + Ragdolled Downslam + Side Dash + Instant Aerial Downslam + Delaware (Air) 3 M1 (In Air) + Ragdolled Downslam + Manchester (TBA)
- Extreme Combo: 3 M1 + Uppercut (Waste Evasive) + Forward Dash + 3 M1 + Downslam + Texas (From now on, SLOW M1 all M1 chains) + 1 M1 + Uppercut + Timed Aerial Downslam + Delaware (Air) + Detroit Air + 3 M1 + Downslam + Manchester + Side + Front Dash (Highly ping reliant, true with ping over 150) + 3 M1 + Downslam (TBA
The combos that you'll see below is created and imagined by Sovereign. Sovereign's combos might be either too hard, either too precise, but mostly it gives you huge advantage whenever the opponent lacks Evasive.
- Effortless Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Immediate Texas + 1 M1 + Uppercut + Detroit (43%)
- Mild Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Detroit - Aerial Variant + 3 M1's + Uppercut + Texas + 1 M1 + Downslam + Delaware - Aerial Variant + Manchester (60%)
- Difficult Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Immediate Delaware - Aerial Variant + 3 M1's + Downslam + Detroit - Aerial Variant + Uppercut + Texas + 2 M1's + Immediate Manchester (69%)
- Nervewracking Combo: Forward Dash (Into IWO) + 4 M1's + Immediate Texas + 2 M1's + Detroit - Aerial Variant + 4 M1's + Delaware - Aerial Variant + 4 M1's + Manchester + Side Dash + Jump + Forward Dash + 4 M1's (94-100%)
- Supreme Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Cosmic States of Smash + Immediate 1 000 000% (100%+)
- A Combo That Was Left Behind: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Aerial Downslam (OPTIONAL) + Immediate Detroit - Aerial Variant + 3 M1's + Immediate Uppercut + Texas + 1 M1 + Downslam + Side Dash away + Manchester + New Hampshire Smash Tech
- The reason this combo is outdated is that SuperDash was patched, and Aerial Downslams now has a different timing, so you cannot perform it right after a Downslam anymore.
Overall, we found out that Green Hero is a perfect character for any player, whether a player that joined the game just now, or a player that is well experienced about it. Also, now we discovered that Green Hero's Ultimate is very dangerous, and is required to be avoided and countered. As an advice for you - don't spam all the moves and use the wisely, and be more unpredictable with each your attack, because this character demands abruptness and cunning movement, due to how visible the start-up of all moves is.
Mastered Green Hero // Izuku Midoriya
"Not everything is in black-and-white, most things in this world are in shades of gray.. A blend of fear and anger... Which is exactly why i must extend a helping hand!"
Izuku Midoriya, Mastered Green Hero, speaking to Lady Nagant, Kaina Tsutsumi.
Mastered Green Hero is a mastered version of Green Hero, and a sixth character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds requiring Mastery to be full (100%) for obtainment. The character is
The character functions exactly like Green Hero, exactly same versatile and nigh-unreachable as the latter. However, the character has really low damage, making them effective only in long combos that include all four moves. In exchange for low damage, the character can also evade anything by using Delaware Grab - Aerial Variant.
The user spins around themselves once, before dealing a fivefold series of blows, with the last being strong enough to smash the opponent away.
- The last blow breaks through block regardless, although the other ones cannot.
- Quintuple Smash can grab an indefinite amount of targets, which can result into your Ultimate Bar increasing even more, besides, only per move.
- You can extend your combo by doing a Side Dash or a Forward Dash into your opponent afterward.
- Sometimes, you can step on your flying opponent after the finisher, resulting into you being sent outside the stadium, or just fly into random spot of it.
- If swift enough, the move could be used after 4 M1's instantly, due to having little to no start-up.
The user leaps and spins in the air at the same time, delivering a concussing blow to the opponent's head.
- The higher you are - the more damage it deals, just as with Detroit's Aerial Variant.
- Because of it, it is highly recommended to jump up before using the move.
- The move can counter almost every single move in Heroes Battlegrounds, even if the enemy move is already used and playing.
- Has a short hitbox, however seems to have I-Frames, in exchange.
- If you miss the move, there will be an endlag enough for opponents to combo you.
- The move cannot be blocked by any means unless Counter-type move, and can land on grounded opponents.
The user grabs their opponent by the throat and punches their stomach twice, slamming them into the ground with exact same hand and uppercutting them, finishing the combination with a blast incoming from the user's flick.
The user flicks their fingers, resulting into a powerful blast that launches them upwards.
- You cannot extend after a Neutral Variant of Delaware Grab, meaning it can be used to finish the combo or run away, in case of being jumped.
- The only exception will be if the opponent has mild ping, enough for you to catch up with Side Dash and Forward Dash to get them, but that's the least probability.
- Aerial Variant is officially the best way how to use Delaware Grab - not only it deals only 1% less damage than the neutral, but it also has even lower cooldown than the Neutral Variant has.
- Aerial Variant is also cannot be punished after miss, only in case if the opponent hits you in the tiniest frame time where you're vulnerable.
- Both variants are unblockable, however it's hard to break block with Aerial Variant, but it does the thing yet.
- '
The user ensnares their opponent into a dark whip, and pulls them closer to unleash a fierce combination of punches, uppercutting the opponent to smash them away afterward.
The user ensnares their opponent and spins in circles with them, before powerfully smashing the opponent into the ground.
- Because Neutral Variant has a lot of knockback, Ragdoll Variant is the best way to use Shadow Whip, unless you need to damage your opponent and recover your health.
- Formerly, Neutral Variant has knockback equal to Quintuple Smash, which was increased right after Ragdoll Variant was added.
- As tested, the user can be damaged by Frost Burst, but it won't cancel the move at all.
- Neutral Variant can be efficient against teamers, as the punches gives the bystanders stun and damages them. Final hit knocks them away, too, and through it - you can do a finisher on someone bystanding, if their health is low enough.
- A major Combo-Starter, aside from Quintuple Smash.
The character's base moveset has its pros and cons, and despite its difficulty to oneshot within a combo, it still can vanquish anybody in right hands. Now, let's take a look of what the character's Awakening can do.
The user charges their body with immense amount of raw power than flows within them in green particles, before throwing their hands away, resulting into a burst, while the former users of the user's power appear from behind, each connected with dark tendril, before a second burst happens and the tendril closes into the user, acting as a scarf.
- Both bursts deal ≈25% damage and knocks back the bystanders for a considerable distance.
- The character's Ultimate Mode, unfortunately, deals less damage than it goes for the normal counterpart of it.
- Once the second burst is made, every single player on the server will be highlighted by a white transparent circle, which is a reference to a Danger Sense Quirk.
- The character's Awakening seems to serve as a punishment to both aggressive and passive players, and even to teamers, given by how the moves work.
- Despite its power, the character's Ultimate Mode can be easily punished upon reckless use, too.
The user spins and lunges forward, smashing their phalanxes into the ground, causing debris to launch the opponent upwards. The user then stands on the debris to jump up and kick the opponent even higher, also spreading chunks of debris. The user pulls one of them with their dark tendril and begin to leap on every other one, causing them to fly away, while the user grasps for their opponent and throws them downward, adding with a punch and then a flick blast, pinning the opponent to the ground, while the user lands down and lands a devastating left punch to their face.
The user performs exactly the same actions, but this time, they stomp to cause a huge chunk of debris to be yanked upward. The user then leaps all the way to the opponent, and punches their stomach thrice, with the punching power being stronger each punch. The user then charges up for a fourth punch, which seems to be so strong it causes a miniature tornado that forces the debris to descend with the user. Meanwhile, the user looks upward and vanishes away, only to appear above the flying opponent, as the environment around them darkens and the user threatens the opponent with the fist that was charged so hard it caused cracks in reality, punching the opponent's skull mercilessly, sending them flying away devoid of life.
- This move can allow you to safely wait for cooldowns, at the same time dealing a devastating damage to the victim.
- The range of the lunge and the debris is fine to catch the opponent if they are trying to evade.
- Regardless if the opponent has "Disable Cutscenes" on, the effects still will blind them, making them unable to immediately respond.
- The move can be easily, and it's hard to aim normally, meaning you have to use it wisely, otherwise either after Fourth M1, either after Lightning Crush or Whiplash.
- If the opponent is feinting, the move's hitbox might be confused and not hit the opponent regardless.
'The user charges their fist and lunge forward, melting the ground with friction and dealing a strong, devastating punch to the opponent's stomach, which appears to discharge into their stomach, forcing them to fly away under devastating force after the user flash-steps forward.
As the user punches their opponent, causing them to spin, they add up with a strong kick, catching the opponent with a dark whip afterward, pulling them closer and striking them upwards. After a moment of struggle, the user switches positions with their opponent, and smashes them from above, ending their life.
- The move grants you a slight mobility, but the move has short hitbox.
- Upon miss, it gives you an entire second of endlag, leaving you vulnerable for the period.
- You cannot curve yourself at all, as it's heavy to redirect yourself after use.
- You can counter the move by instantly using Evasive and, if you're Split Ice user, instantly use Blazing Soul (In Awakening Clash cases), resulting into the move being surely hit.
- The move is reactable despite its speed, and can be easily dodged. In case of being hit by it, never use Evasive unless the conditions above.
The user stomps and grasps for the launched debris with their dark whip, storing kinetic energy before blitzing forward. As the user collides with their opponent, a big amount of debris flies upwards, only to be caught by the user, who uses it to ensnare the opponent inside it, as the kinetic energy within the debris forces it to explode and barrel-roll back to the user.
The user crashes into the opponent and flies up while spinning, using the red chains to use debris and ensnare the opponent with it, dragging the debris down to them, roughly landing onto it in order to end their opponent once and for all.
- The move can be easily dodged if it's used to catch the opponent from afar.
- You have a split second to aim this move, and so you will fly into the direction your avatar has chosen.
- Very good mobility move, which boosts you pretty far to do a surprise attack.
- Upon use, you can either M1 or use any other accessible moves, though you have to practice with aiming 120% OVERDRIVE and Whiplash, with the second especially, due to it being super swift.
- If you were the one to get hit by it, don't use your Evasive and watch out if the opponent will do anything.
The user lunges forward and dropkicks into their opponent, punching them before surfing up on their body. As the user lets their opponent go, they get caught with dark whip to be violently smashed into the ground.
After smashing the opponent into the ground, the user runs up after them as the opponent rolls away. Seizing the perfect momentum, the user spins once along their axis, smashing their opponent for the second time and pulls them closer to end their life with a devastating uppercut.
- Despite not being able to hit the opponent instantly, after a small explosion it will, and it will have a long duration of when the hitbox lasts.
- The move is obviously unblockable as every other one, however it cannot pick grounded opponents so far.
- The only exception will be if you will use Whiplash INSTANTLY right after your Downslam.
- Another "teamer dealer" move, as the AoE from the move deals half of the damage that you can be hit with (14% instead of 28%).
- The move grants you I-Frames even in the start-up, however the endlag from it is huge.
- Another fun fact: Just as with 1 000 000%, the finisher is damn satisfying to land. :D
The character's Ultimate Mode seems to be very punishing in right hands and right use, but it instantly gets awful upon recklessness in playing with it. But now, enough about it, let's see what this section will teach you, if not how to properly play with the character.
- Easy Combo: 3 M1 + Quintuple Smash + Side Dash + 3 M1's + Shadow Whip (50%)
- Medium Combo: 3 M1 + Uppercut + Electric Smash + Shadow Whip + Quintuple Smash + Side Dash + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Delaware Grab (Neutral) (73%)
- Hard Combo: 3 M1 + Uppercut + Quintuple Smash + Forward Dash + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Jump & Electric Smash + Shadow Whip + Ragdolled Downslam + Aerial Downslam + Delaware Grab (Neutral) (93%)
- Challenging Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1 + Downslam (Also Side Dash away instantly) + Delaware Grab (Air) + Spam Electric Smash + Shadow Whip + Ragdolled Uppercut + Aerial Downslam + Quintuple Smash + Forward Dash + Uppercut + Delaware Grab (Neutral) (92%)
- Extreme Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Aerial Downslam + Quintuple Smash + M1 + Forward Dash (SLOW) + 3 M1 + Downslam + Spam Delaware Grab (Air) + Spam Electric Smash + Shadow Whip + Ragdolled Uppercut + Delaware Grab (Neutral) (100%)
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Overall, the character needs mastery for unlocking it and for properly playing it, if you understand what does it means. The character is awesome when somebody skilled grasps for it, and the Ultimate is very deadly if using correctly, but it instantly gets worse than Azure Flames in opinion of reckless player upon their own recklessness, logically.
Hero Slayer // Chizome Akaguro
CONDITION:In development.
"To accomplish anything, the one needs a conviction and a will. The one's lacking it will be just weeded out..."
Chizome Akaguro, Hero Slayer, explaining his worldview to Tenko Shimura, Symbol of Fear.
Hero Slayer is the second character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds,
The character requires no skill to play, and even if playing by 1-2-3-4 (All in all, just spamming all the moves), this character is very deadly. Curdle Pierce is very annoying and dangerous, due to the second use being a Bloodcurdle.
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- Mild Combo: '
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- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
Mastered Hero Slayer // Chizome Akaguro
CONDITION:In development.
"Come, just try me, you fakes! The only one i will let to kill myself.. Is All Might!"
Chizome Akaguro, Mastered Hero Slayer, challenging various heroes, while engulfing each into his malefic aura.
Mastered Hero Slayer is a mastered version of Hero Slayer, and a tenth character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds, requiring Mastery to be full (100%) for obtainment,
Unlike the normal counterpart, Mastered Hero Slayer has 7 moves for base moveset and a passive (Black Flash) that serves the character as an extensive, resulting into 8 moves in fact. Despite the low damage all moves deal, the combo potential is extreme, leading into easy One-Shot combos.
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Mastered Hero Slayer not has just four moves.. What makes the character very versatile, is that they have seven moves in their arsenal. And now, we take a look at it along with taking a look over the character's Passive...
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Because Mastered Hero Slayer, unfortunately, still lacks their personal Ultimate Mode, it won't be described here, for it, just look on its normal counterpart - Hero Slayer, instead. However now, without a further ado, let's see what combos you can perform with the character.
- Easy Combo: '
- Medium Combo: '
- Hard Combo: '
- Challenging Combo: '
- Extreme Combo: '
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
Azure Flames // Toya Todoroki
CONDITION:In development.
"If you are nothing but a trash, then, for at least, burn and be a kindling for my flames!"
Toya Todoroki, Azure Flames, speaking to undefined criminals.
Azure Flames is a third character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds,
The character is extremely deadly, however recently received a majority of nerfs, resulting into a character being unplayable at most. There's nothing to say about this character for now, but for when they wasn't nerfed - the character was "an expert" against teamers, as every single move was able to catch and get rid of multiple players at time in their respective time. Now you can master this character to obtain a mastered version of Azure Flames.
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- Easy Combo: '
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- Challenging Combo: '
- Extreme Combo: '
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
Split Ice // Shoto Todoroki
CONDITION:In development.
"If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Never forget who you want to become!"
Shoto Todoroki, Split Ice, encouraging Tenya Ida, Jet Engine, in a confrontation against Stain, Hero Slayer.
Split Ice is a fifth character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds,
The character is extremely versatile, as Sub Zero already contains four variants of it, which is a lot for a move. Frost Burst's finisher is huge, and now got recently buffed - now the finisher activates instantly unlike before.
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- Easy Combo: '
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- Challenging Combo: '
- Extreme Combo: '
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
Explosion Hero // Katsuki Bakugo
CONDITION:In development.
"Cannot stand damn morons like you, who is incapable of getting right to the damned point! All you say is "We wanna cause trouble, be our pal!", such joke! I've always admired All Might, and nobody will change it!"
Katsuki Bakugo, Explosion Hero, responding to the League of Villains.
Explosion Hero is a ninth character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds,
The character possesses little to no True Combos, meaning they deal the biggest damage only whenever the opponent lacks Evasive. In exchange for it, the character is very versatile and has TWO powerful Ultimate Modes.
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The character is unique in terms of Ultimate Mode, as they need to deal 80% DMG (Overall, all their moves needs to be hit) in order to get access to the strongest Ultimate Mode in Heroes Battlegrounds.
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- Easy Combo: '
- Medium Combo: '
- Hard Combo: '
- Challenging Combo: '
- Extreme Combo: '
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
Symbol of Fear // Tenko Shimura
CONDITION:In development.
"Cause enough destruction to show all of them the fragility of justice... From this day onward… that's my conviction."
Tenko Shimura, Symbol of Fear, talking to himself about his conviction.
Symbol of Fear , formerly Rot Villain, is an eleventh character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds
The character is capable of vanquishing teamers with ease, and is swift & unpredictable. The character also has a unique Ultimate Mode, which is the only Ultimate that has Quick Time Events (Q.T.E.).
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- Easy Combo: '
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- Extreme Combo: '
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
Jet Engine // Tenya Ida
CONDITION:In development.
"Be that as it may... I must stand up! Never again will they, or my brother, leave me behind in the dust!"
Tenya Ida, Jet Engine, muttering to himself in regards to Izuku Midoriya, Green Hero, and Shoto Todoroki, Split Ice.
Jet Engine is a twelfth character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds,
The character is still in development, meaning that the obtainment of the character requires a purchase of Early Access Gamepass (245 Robux), in order to play. If you want to test the moves, though, you can use Private Server Commands Gamepass (499 Robux) and use Random Moveset or Random Tool options.
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- Does nothing yet, meaning it will take time for anything here to appear.
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- Easy Combo: '
- Medium Combo: '
- Hard Combo: '
- Challenging Combo: '
- Extreme Combo: '
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
Warp Portal // Kurogiri
CONDITION:In development.
"Forgive our audacity, but today, we've come here to this bastion of heroism to end All Might, the Symbol of Peace, once and for all..."
Kurogiri, Warp Portal, speaking to heroes in U.S.J. Incident before the villainous raid starts.
Warp Portal is a seventh character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds,
Due to the villain not being present into the anime at all, every single move is original. Due to combo-potential, versatility and the damage of the character - the community is calling the character as the worst.
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- Easy Combo: '
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- Challenging Combo: '
- Extreme Combo: '
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
Huge Lady // Yu Takeyama
CONDITION:In development.
"Today is my debut.. And with that, i'm pleased to meet all of you! Call me Mount Lady!"
Yu Takeyama, Huge Lady, introducing herself after defeating an undefined villain with Gigantification Quirk.
Huge Lady is a fourth character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds, being added along with Azure Flames on the latter's release,
The character lacks any moves, however can grow endlessly, which boosts the damage for the character's Stomp move and M1's.
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Conclusion Description
The Strongest // Satoru Gojo
CONDITION:In development.
"If you can die a normal death after running into a curse, you're the luckiest."
Satoru Gojo, The Strongest, talking to Yuji Itadori, The Tiger of West Junior High, before putting the latter into a decision of which path he will take.
The Strongest is an eighth character to be released onto Heroes Battlegrounds,
The character is a force to be reckoned with, as their attacks deal insane damage, if not oneshotting. The character can be obtained from Satoru Gojo NPC, but with 1 in 1 350 000 chance.
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- Easy Combo: '
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- Hard Combo: '
- Challenging Combo: '
- Extreme Combo: '
- Effortless Combo: '
- Mild Combo: '
- Difficult Combo: '
- Nervewracking Combo: '
- Supreme Combo: '
Conclusion Description
- Because Kurogiri (Warp Portal) wasn't pretty much showing in the anime, every single attack of his is original.
- The same also goes for Tomura (Symbol of Fear), and exactly - his base moveset.
- The arm from Scatter is animated, you can see it in finisher more visibly then in normal variant, though.