Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki

What are Cosmetics?

Cosmetics are clothing that applies to your Roblox character, you get get comestics by killing players, buying the Cosmestics Gamepass, Trading Ornaments with Santa or Trading Candies to the mysterious witch (As of now the witch is unavailable.)

Random fun fact: Some of the Halloween Cosmetics change with VIP color

Name Condition Description Trivia Image
Hero Gauntlets 50 Kills A pair of white gloves with green palms and yellow sights attached to each of the knuckles while also featuring a dual-layered band around the wrist decorated with a blue seam and yellow bolts. This accessory is very likely based on Deku's Air-Force Gloves.
Hero gauntlets
Explosive Gauntlets 90 Kills A pair of bracers that looks like oversized grenades, both featuring an oversized grenade pin. This accessory is based on Bakugō Katsuki's Grenader Bracier.

Despite not changing any animation, wearing this accessory makes all explosion finishers looks that much better.

Explosive gauntlets
Eagle Headphones 150 Kills A simple pair of yellow headphones. This accessory is most likely based on Takami Keigo's "headphones."
Eagle headphones
Hero Uniform 200 Kills A pair of dark blue pants with white vertical lines going up the legs and a dark blue short sleeve shirt with white lines that form the letters 'U' and 'A'. This accessory is based on Yūei's Gym Uniform.
Hero uniform
Shiketsu Hat 250 Kills A blue hat with black details boasting the Shiketsu-High emblem on it. This accessory is based on Shiketsu's hat, which must be worn alongside its uniform.

The hat coloring is off, the source material depict a darker blue and some orange details.

Shiketsu hat
Ice Hair 600 Kills The iconic Todoroki Shōto's half-red half-white hairstyle. Unless your avatar is bald, this accessory is pretty much useless.
Ice hair
Teacher Noggles 750 Kills A pair of goggles that are completely yellow on the outside, both on their edge and on their band, while the inside of the lens area is black. the frame totally lacks lenses, instead, the goggles have a kind of small bars that hide the eyes. This accessory is based on Aizawa Shōta's Eraser Goggles.

Aizawa does not usually wear these glasses while out of combat, instead, he hangs them around his neck.

Teacher goggles
Shadow Robe 800 Kills A long black cloak. This accessory is most likely based on Tokoyami Fumikage hero costume cloak.
Shadow robe
Explosion Mask 1000 Kills Bakugō Katsuki's mask which is jagged and black, and as it goes around his eyes, a large, orange-rimmed flare shape protrudes from each side. This is very obviously Bakugō Katsuki's hero mask.
Explosion mask
Voice Changer 1250 Kills A black, almost metallic face mask that is worn on your mouth. This accessory is based on Shinsō Hitoshi's Artificial Vocal Cords support-item.
Voice changer
Teacher Scarf 1400 Kills A cloth-like equipment made from carbon fibers and a special metal alloy. It is worn around your neck. This accessory is based on Aizawa Shōta/Shinsō Hitoshi's Binding Cloth.

Although it can be manipulated by its user in the source material, this accessory is completely still.

Teacher scarf
Ice Uniform 2000 Kills Todoroki Shōto's hero uniform, with one part being frozen with ice spikes while the other appears to be burnt. As previously stated, this is Todoroki Shōto's hero uniform.
Ice uniform
Hero Scarf 2500 Kills Gran Torino's cape, now worn like a scarf to serve as memoir to his and Shimura Nana's life. It is heavily worn out. This accessory was first worn by Gran Torino before being worn by Deku.
Hero scarf
Hero Cape 4000 Kills A long white cape. This accessory might be based on Shimura Nana's cape.
Hero cape
Dark Spider 10000 Kills Blackwhip tendrils coming out of the user neck. This accessory is based on Deku's appearance during chapter 317.
Dark spider

Name Condition Description Trivia Image
Villain Scarf Be a group member A worn out and long red scarf. This accessory is based on Stain's scarf.
Villain scarf
Villain Headband 300 Kills A worn out red headband. This accessory is based on Stain's headband.
Villain headband
Villain Mask 450 Kills A piece of tattered clothing used to cover your face. This accessory is based on Stain's mask.
Villain mask
Bird Mask 500 Kills The beak piece of a plague doctor mask. This accessory is based on Overhaul's Plague Doctor mask.
Bird mask
Blue Cape 3500 Kills A cloak like blue leather cape that is worn out and stitched up in some place. This accessory is based on Dabi's Jacket.

Although being a cloak in game, as previousl stated, this is based on jacket.

Blue cape
Untouchable Cape 5000 Kills A long red cape. This accessory might be based on Awakened Tomura's cape.

This cape used to belong to X-Less before Shigaraki Tomura stole it.

Untouchable cape
Suave Cape 5600 Kills A greenish-black cloak that surrounds the user. This might be the cape Gentle Criminal wears.
Suave cape

Name Condition Description Trivia Image
Plague Doctor's Mask 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Plague Doctor Mask This accessory bears resemblance to mask's plague doctors would wear during the 16th and 17th century
Plague Doctor's Mask
Witch's Blade 80 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Witch's broom stick None
Witch's Bane
Bat Sword 80 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A katana with a bat hand guard. (Editor's Opinion) has a massive resemblance to demon slayer's nichirin blades.
Bat Sword
Cursed Sword 80 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Rusty Sword with cursed green writing. None
Blood Sword 80 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Rusty Sword with cursed green writing. None
Hockey Mask 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Bloody Hockey Mask. Reference to Jason from the Friday the 13th franchise
Hockey Mask
Ghost Gloves 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Colored Gloves (Varys on your effect color) This varys on your effect color
Frankenstein's Bolts 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Two Metal Bolts covering the players ears. Reference to Frankenstein from the frankenstein franchise.
Kitty Ears 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Gives the player black cat ears Literally just cat ears.
Kitty ears
Wolf Ears 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Gives the player black wolf ears Literally just wolf ears.
Cat Tail 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Gives the player a black cat tail Literally just a cat tail.
Green Hero Bag 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A paper bag with a face on it. Reference to the Main Character of my hero academia (deku)
Dream Demon's Gloves 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A brown glove with rusty claws on it Reference to Freddy Krueger from the nightmare on elm street franchise
Hero Slayer Bag 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Gives the player a paper bag with some kind of face on it Reference to Stain from my hero academia
Hero Slayer Bag
Jester Hat 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Gives the player a jester hat Jester hat
Pumpkin 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Pumpkin that covers your head it's... literally just a pumpkin.
Pumpkin Accessorry
Warp Portal Bag 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Paper bag with a face on it Reference to Kurogiri from mha
Azure Flames Bag 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Paper bag with a face on it Reference to Dabi from mha
Symbol Of Fear Bag 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Paper bag with a face on it Reference to Shigaraki from mha
Mad Scientist's Arm 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A steampunk type arm i have no idea
Mad Scientist
Skull Gauntlets 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A skull inspired glove for both hands None
Banefall Glowing Crown 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A glowing crown varys with your effect color
Spooky Coak 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A black coat that covers your whole body None
Barbed Wire Wraps 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Barbed Wires Around your hands None
Evil Resident's Jacket 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A red jacket This is the jacket that leon wears in resident's evil
Witch's Hat 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A green witch hat None
Mummy Bandages 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Bandages wrapped around your avatar None
Cybernetic Gauntlet 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A High-Tech mechanic Gauntlet Varys with your effect color
Witch's Gloves 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A pair of gloves with a design None
Clown Outfit 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Rainbow Afro and a red nose None
Scarecrow's Head 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A leather head with ropes around the neck None
Benefall Crown 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A crown made of bones? None
Werewolf Gloves 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) Gives the user fur and claws on both hands None
Explosion Hero Bag 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A paper bag with a face on it Reference to Bakugo from mha
Jack O' Silly 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Carved Pumpkin that covers your head with a silly expression silly pumpkin.
Jack O' Happy 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Carved Pumpkin that covers your head with a happy expression happy pumpkin.
Jack O' Happy Accessory
Jack O' Serious 55 Candies (Random Chance From Witch) A Carved Pumpkin that covers your head with a evil grinning expression evil pumpkin.
Jack O' Serious Accessory

More tba

Name Condition Description Trivia Image
Rudolph's Nose 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) Rudolph's big red nose. Basically just gives you clown outfit but just the nose.
Screenshot 2024-12-18 232624

rudolph's nose

Snow Globe 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) The classic snowglobe. None
Screenshot 2024-12-18 232656

Snow globe

Nutcracker's Hat 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) The hat commonly seen on christmas nutcrackers. None
Screenshot 2024-12-18 232717

Nutcracker's Hat

Santa's Cape 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A Red Cape With White On the Rim, most likely worn by santa. This cosmetic looks very similar to SBG's Royal Cape and UBG's Santa's Cape.
Screenshot 2024-12-18 232735

Santa's Cape

Wrapped Katana 80 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) The Standard Katana wrapped with a little wrapping paper around the handle. None
Screenshot 2024-12-17 003443

Wrapped katana

Reindeer Antlers 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) Some reindeer antlers on your head. None
Screenshot 2024-12-17 004011

Reindeer antlers

Santa's Hat 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A Red christmas beanie, specifically santa's. None
Screenshot 2024-12-18 232818

Santa's Hat

Candy Cane Katana 80 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) The normal katana but its got a special green handle and the blade is made out of "Candy Cane" I wouldn't eat it.
Candy cane katana

Candy cane katana

Mistletoe Earrings 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) Some earrings that are designed to look like mistletoe. None
Screenshot 2024-12-18 232857

Mistletoe Earrings

Hail Splitter 80 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) Basically just the normal katana but the handle looks a little cooler and the blade is slightly curved. its just a cooler katana.
Screenshot 2024-12-17 003749

hail splitter

Krampus's Cape 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) The cape of the legendary Krampus. None
Screenshot 2024-12-18 232917

Krampus's Cape

Frozen Gauntlet 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A gauntlet entirely made of ice. (Or possibly a gauntlet frozen over with ice) It would be fitting to wear if your a split-ice player.
Screenshot 2024-12-18 232951

Frozen Gauntlet

Ice Crown 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A Crown made of ice. I mean, it looks pretty cool. has some resemblance to the icicle sword and ice glove.
Screenshot 2024-12-18 233012

Ice Crown

Gingerbread Cookie 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A Gingerbread man positioned on the players mouth. (But it doesn't fit well with classic faces) None
Screenshot 2024-12-18 233029

Gingerbread Cookie

Festive Jacket 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A Festive jacket with the heroes battlegrounds logo on it. None
Screenshot 2024-12-17 004112

festive jacket

Elfs Hat 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) The hat of one of Santa's christmas elfs. Say bye to your short friends this year.
Screenshot 2024-12-17 004141

elfs hat

Ice Glove 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A single glove on the left hand made of ice. It has a striking resemblance to the icicle sword.
Screenshot 2024-12-17 004206

ice glove

Candy Cane Glasses 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) Some pretty nerdy looking glasses made out of candy cane. None
Screenshot 2024-12-18 233048

Candy Cane Glasses

Icicle Sword 80 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A pretty cool looking sword made of ice. It Has a striking resemblance to the ice glove. the spikes near tsuba dont have a texture underneath them and you can see through[1]
Screenshot 2024-12-17 003850

icicle sword

Festive Scarf 55 Ornaments (Random Chance From Santa) A good ol' winter scarf. The color of the scarf kinda makes it look blood-tainted.
Screenshot 2024-12-17 004233

festive scarf

  1. Icicle sword missing textures,

    image of missing texture
