Sooner or later, this page will gain a new look - tabbers. Yes, tabbers. Every combo will be put on its specific tabber, depending on usernames. For example, if "mono_gramm's Combo" is repeated twice in specific character (Ex. Green Hero), then these combos will be put into "The1S0ver31gnty" or "Sovereign" tabber, depending on if the one's account has the "A.K.A." nickname. It must be noted if the one's Roblox username is known, either the tabber will be named like that (Ex. "mono_gramm"), either that username will be mentioned in the start of one's own tabber.
Sorry for such huge delay.. It's just gym and studies couldn't give me a time for contributions at all, but now i will do it for sure. This Thursday and Friday i will be busy with Guide Page, the weekends are the days when i will do nothing here at all, unless working on my huge blogs i'm about to show here soon. BUT, next week, depending on the classes that i'll have, i will take care of this page, remember my words.
- Loop Dash technique: NO LONGER works as a combo-extender. Likely, now it's a last resort when you have no abilities set off cooldown, due to it sending the opponent very far away.
- Player's health bar isn't 100; it's 110. Although this doesn't change the fact OneShot combos won't work on them, they indeed will.
- The only mono_gramm's combo that is currently working is a combo for Warp Portal and Hero Slayer, so don't try them unless you're using the early mentioned character.
- The note above is not including mono_gramm's Ultimate combos; they are still working and will be for a very long time.
- After the Aerial Downslam was reworked, now using it after a Downslam isn't working anymore, making each combo consisting of it - untrue.
Green Hero:
- Valleyer's Combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Delaware Air Variant + Detroit (while in air) + 3 M1s + + Texas + 1 M1 + Uppercut + Manchester (86% Damage)
- GET AWAY combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Manchester + Immediate Dash Forward + 3 M1s + Texas + Uppercut + Detroit or Delaware (roughly 90% damage for Detroit version, and roughly 76% damage for Delaware version) (No longer working because of Manchester rework)
- Monkey4D_garp's combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Texas + m1 + Downslam + Delaware Air Variant + Manchester + Immediate Dash Foward + 3M1s + Uppercut + Detroit (Roughly 86 Damage) (No longer works because of Manchester rework)
- Monkey4D_garp's easy combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Delaware Air Variant + Immediate Detroit (Air Variant ofc) + Texas + M1 + Manchester (Around 78 Damage)
- GodOfEpicRedness’ combo: (NOTE: SLOW ALL OF YOUR M1S EXCEPT THE 3 M1s YOU DO WHILE IN THE AIR AFTER USING ARIAL DELAWARE) 3 M1s + Uppercut + Side Dash Away + Arial Slam + Texas + M1 + Uppercut + Delaware Air Variant + 3 M1s in the air + Downslam + Detroit Air Variant + Manchester + Forward Dash + 3 M1s + Uppercut + Arial slam + Front dash loop (97% Damage) (No longer working)
- AntarcticCryogen2's combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Texas + M1 + Uppercut + Dash and curve back to the enemy 3 m1s downslam Manchester, then do a side dash and front dash as quick as you can to the enemy then 3 m1s uppercut delaware air variant ,then detroit on the enemy when you are in the air (uppercut gives you the height to be able to use the air variants) (damage unkown) (No longer working)
- AnalyticHeart's Combo: (most damage you can do in one combo if they don't have evasive (that I've found)) 4m1 Mini Uppercut + Smash + Texas + 2m1 Mini Uppercut + Delaware Air Variant + Detroit Air Variant(I'd recommend spinning, makes it easier to hit right below you) + Manchester 75%-77% dmg, the dmg is super inconsistent b/c of Detroit air variant.
- AboveGreenie1's Ult Combo: 3 M1's + Cosmic States Of Smash + 3-4 Side Dashes + BEYOND 100% + 1,000,000% (if you are good you can get them with 1 mil% after BEYOND 100%, About 80% and Kills if you land 1 Mmillion%)
- mono_gramm's Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Immediate Texas + 1 M1 + Downslam + Wait as much as you can + Detroit // AIR VARIANT + 3 M1's + Immediate Mini Uppercut (Simply, just hold the M1 and then hold spacebar when second M1 animation has ended and is preparing for third) + Side Dash + Aerial Downslam + Manchester + Forward Dash (Or just make sure you caught up to your opponent and managed to hit them) + 3 M1's + Downslam + Immediate Delaware // AIR VARIANT // 90% HP wiped out // Requires opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel. (No longer works)
- One For All Full Combo: 3 M1s +Texas +Uppercut + Delaware-Air Variant + Detroit-Air Variant + Downslam + Manchester (71% Damage)
Mastered Green Hero:
- NinjaKiller's Combo: 4 M1s + Imediete Shadow Whip + Forward Dash + 3 M1s + Downslam + Quintuple Smash + Side Dash + 3 M1s + Downslam + Electric Smash + Deleware Grab ( damage unknown for now)
- egg's Combo: Foward Dash + Slowed 4 M1s + Quintuple Smash + Foward Dash + 3 M1s + Downslam + Shadow Whip + Dash Downslam + Electric Smash + Delaware Grab (73% damage)
- FateFul's Combo: Dash + Slowed 3 M1s + Downslam + Quintuple Smash + Forward Dash + 3 M1s + Uppercut + Electric Smash + Shadow Whip + Delaware Grab (Air variant) + 4 M1s + Dash Downslam (One Shot)
- Deleteduser143's Combo: 4 M1s + Electric Smash + Quintuple Smash + Side Dash + 3 M1s + Downslam + Shadow Whip (Downed variant) + Delaware grab (~69%) [Note: Use electric smash immediately after the 4 M1's]
- Kridom123's Combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Side dash + 4 M1s + Electric Smash + Shadow Wip + Arial M1 variant + Delaware Grab + (Optional) Side dash + Front dash + 3 M1s + Downslam (Untrue)
- Virtual Dreams Combo: 3 m1s + Uppercut + Side dash 3 m1s + Downslam + Shadow whip + Delware grab + Side dash + Front dash + Downslam electric smash damage unknown
- GodOfEpicRedness’ combo: (NOTE: BE SURE TO SLOW ALL OF YOUR M1s OR ELSE YOUR ARIAL SLAM WILL NOT BE OFF COOLDOWN LATER DURING THE COMBO) 3 M1s + Downslam + Side Dash Away + Arial slam + Quintuple Smash + Side Dash + 3 M1s + Uppercut + Shadow Whip + Electric Smash + 3 M1s + Downslam + Side Dash Away + Arial slam + Delaware Grab (Damage unknown)
- Minty's combo: 4 m1s immediate shadow whip side dash away electric smash Quintuple smash side dash or front dash downslam delaware grab (damage unknown)
- RandomDude Combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Quintuple Smash + Side Dash + 3 M1s + Downslam + Delaware Grab (Air) + Electric Smash + Shadow Whip (True whenever done perfectly, but is otherwise untrue after Delaware Grab Air. Does 80%.) (Note: After the second Downslam, immediately use Delaware Grab to trigger the air variant.)
- KindaxInsane's combo: 3 m1s + downslam + side dash away + arial slam + uppercut + quintuple smash + side dash to player + 3 m1s + uppercut + shadow whip + electric smash + 3 m1s + uppercut + side dash away + arial slam + 3 m1s + downslam + deleware grab. (puts the dummy at 8%)
- AnalyticHeart's Combo: (most damage you can do in one combo if they don't have evasive (that I've found)) 4m1 Mini Uppercut + Smash + Shadow Whip + Quintuple Smash (wait as long as you can) + Front Dash (towards opponent) + 4m1 Hit Away (slow) + Electric Smash + Smash + Delaware Grab. (84% dmg)
- pqowsijdchvb's combo in the works
- Tired's combo: 3 M1s+ Downslam+ Quintuple Smash+ Side Dash+ 3M1s+ Shadow Whip+ (Hard part) Side Dash+ Forward Dash+ 3M1s+ Uppercut+ Delaware Grab (Air Variant)+ Electric Smash
- mono_gramm's Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Mini Uppercut + Walk forward and then immediately turn your camera to the opponent + Quintuple Smash + Side Dash after the opponent + 3 M1's + Mini Uppercut + Side Dash forward and again, turn you camera to the opponent immediately + Black Whip + Immediate Electric Smash (NOTE:Turn your camera to the left, yet make sure it hits the opponent in order to hit it easily) + Side Dash Away + Aerial Downslam + Delaware Grab // AIR VARIANT // 80% HP wiped out // Requires the opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel
- mono_gramm's Ultimate Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Immediate Whiplash (NOTE: Turn yourself to the left and make sure when the splash thingy flash appears, you will be near your laying opponent to make the land easier - look from above for effects to not blind you out) + Lightning Crush (Aim it for the opponent accurately, indeed) + 120% OVERDRIVE (NOTE: Spam it when Lightning Crush animation plays, and when you are lunging forward, slowly turn to the left to catch up to opponent's rolling body) // ONE SHOT // Requires opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel
- MakoHori303's Combo: [Assuming you already baited Ragdoll cancel] Front Dash (optional) + 3m1 + downslam + ShadowWhip + Electric Smash + Aerial Downslam (optional for extra damage) + Quintuple Smash + Front Dash + 3m1 + downslam + Delaware Smash (any variant is fine, grounded for extra damage and air if you wanna run away for some reason) (exact combo with grounded/aerial Delware and no aerial downslam = 78-79-80%%) (exact combo with grounded/aerial Delware and aerial downslam = 79-80-82%) ( usually 80%% if done correctly, it can be a 2 or 3 shot if the player count the m1 chain to bait ragdoll cancel and immediately dash to perform the combo and then end with another chain of m1s. Unlike the dummy, all player have 110% health, making testing harder for accurate [insert number] shot.)
- Beastadam1234's Combo: 3m1's Downslam or uppercut + Shadow Whip + Quintuple Smash + Front Dash + Electric Smash + Delaware Grab(air variant) + Forward Dash + 3m1s + Downslam + Shadow Whip (One shot if done Right 10 hp if missed one move).
(NOTE from Sovereign: Ain't no way Beast Adam finally got to know how to add his combo, it's been so long sheesh)
- TheDrippyJokester's Combo: 3 M1 + Downslam + Side Dash Away + Delaware Grab (Air) (DO IT FAST) + Electric Smash + Shadow Whip + Ragdolled Uppercut + Quintuple Smash + Deku (M1 Tech) + Front Dash + Slow 3 M1 + Downslam + Time the Aerial Downslam + Delaware Grab (TBA)
- JinxDaCat's Combo: Dash Punch + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Side dash + Aerial slam + Quintuple Smash + Forward Dash + 3 M1 + Smoothiedude Electric Smash tech (essentially a downslam, side dash, 3 while youre in the air, and spam 2 to make this true without evasive) + Shadow Whip + 3 M1 + Downslam + Side dash + Aerial Slam + Delaware Grab (either variant, recommended aerial). (All M1s are slow except after shadow whip) (99-100%, will one shot a dummy but not a player) (Yes aerial after downslam still works, the timing is just different (a bit earlier than pre-rework) and you have to be low to the ground, essentially movestacking your jump and aerial slam. This can be landed consistently with practice.)
Hero Slayer:
- Valleyer's Combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Thousand Slashes + Triple Dagger Throw + 1 M1 + Uppercut + Blackout Clutch + Immediate Dash (58% Damage)
- Ksheid's Combo: 4m1 mini uppercut + 4 + Forward Dash + 4 + side dash to them + 4m1 mini uppercut + 1 + 2m1 mini uppercut × jump × 2 (Note: After 1, hold jump and m1. DO NOT LET GO AFTER UPPERCUT. look straight down and use 2 midair. Make sure you land before m1 again) + 4m1 mini uppercut + 3 + side dash + any full m1 string. [OUTDATED]
- GodOfEpicRedness’ Combo: 3 m1 + slam + dagger (time it right) + 3 m1 + uppercut + blackout clutch + side dash, jump and arial slam + curdle pierce + immediately side dash to opponent + 4 m1 (intentionally miss the last one) + 3 m1 + thousand (turn around as the slashing is about to cease in order to reset m1 cooldowns) 3 m1 + slam + dagger (time it right) + 3 m1 + uppercut + front dash loop. (Beyond one-shot combo) (No longer working)
- GodOfEpicRedness’ combo (anti vent/anti evasive): 3 m1 + thousand (turn around at the right time while performing this move in order to reset m1 cooldowns) + 3 m1 + dagger and side dash at the same time + front dash + 3 m1 + slam and blackout clutch at the same time (doing this fast enough will make blackout clutch connect even if your opponent uses their vent/evasive.) If they try to use their vent/evasive, they will just end up wasting it and be hit by blackout clutch anyway).
- AnalyticHeart's One Shot Combo: (most damage you can do in one combo if they don't have evasive (AND THERE WON'T BE A BETTER ONE BABY IT'S A ONE SHOT)) 4m1 Mini Uppercut + Thousand Slashes + 2m1 Mini Uppercut + Smash(requires tight timing to hit before they get wakeup iframes) + Curdle Pierce + Curdle Pierce( 2) + Front Dash( after opponent) + 4m1 Mini Uppercut + Triple Dagger Throw( (tis is tight timing,;if done properly ,it should hit right before wakeup iframes and stunning them long enough for you to m1 after) + 4m1 Mini Uppercut + Blackout Clutch. 100% BABY!!
- Deedrunner9's Combo: 3 M1's + Uppercut + Thousand Slashes + 1 m1 (for some reason this puts you onto their head if you hold forward) + Downslam + Triple Dagger Throw + 3 m1's + Downslam( Walk backwards after downslam) + Jump Smash + Blackout Clutch + Side Dash into Front Dash + 3 m1's + Uppercut (This should be changed with a slamslam if they still have the evasive left. If they don't, wait half a second and proceed with combo) + Curdle Pierce(1) + Curdle Pierce(2) + Front Dash (you can restart the combo at this point). Deals 52% - 63% from what I've tested. If you want, you can stop at Blackout Clutch, and you'll deal roughly 43% if you want a quick combo to use against teamers. (No longer works)
- mono_gramm's Combo (Revival): Forward Dash + Very Slow 3 M1's + Downslam + Not Done Yet Tech (Use as late as possible) + Very Slow 3 M1's + Downslam + Thousand Slashes (Use as late as possible) + 1 M1 (As late as possible) + Downslam + Blackout Clutch (Use as late as possible) + Immediate Aerial Downslam + Timed Curdle Pierce (Time it so the opponent won't get away, but you'll get the stun) + Triple Dagger Throw (Time it to get a sure hits on your opponent afterward, and Side Dash to them if you haven't in the moment where the opponent is stunned after the daggers) + Monocurdle (3 M1's + Downslam + Curdle Pierce // Second Use + 3 M1's + Downslam) // Beyond One Shot // Requires the opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel
- MakoHori303's { Perfect Timing } Combo: [Assuming you already baited Ragdoll cancel] Dash (optional) + 3m1 + downslam + Triple Dagger {Required timing, time your attack by waiting to the moment the opponent wake up and use the move, this will stun them and allow you to continue the combo} + 3m1 + downslam + Thousands slash {wait a bit as this move required a bit of timing, mainly to stall out time so TDT reach 50% or less in cooldown you can use it immediately if you don't intent to do the latter part of the combo} + 1m1 + downslam + aerial downslam (optional for extra damage if the player is good at timing aerial downslam) + Blackout Clutch + side dash to TDT {By that time, there's a high chance TDT is off cooldown. This require precision to stun opponent so you can m1 off them, i can't do this because i personally can't shoot it at the opponent :skull:} 3m1 + downslam. [ two shot (m1 chain to bait ragdoll and this combo) if done correctly. ] + Curdle Pierce (in case they are still alive, miraculously.) (Does not work if you add aerial downslam)
Mastered Hero Slayer:
- Tora's Combo: Dash forward + (Katana mode) M1 x 3 + Katana throw + Downslam + Headbutt + Uppercut + Whirlwind Pierce + Whirlwind Pierce (Press Twice) M1 x 3 + Dagger Cascade (press 2 times) M1 x 1 (to take the katana back) side dash + front dash + M1 x 3 + One Million Slashes. NOTE: this combo is very risky especially if the opponent has a counter.
- Kotya_Zmotya's Combo: Dash forward + (Katana mode) M1 x3 + One Million Slashes + Shadow Rush + Katana Throw (point towards the ground for it to hit the opponent) (31 damage)
- Kotya_Zmotya's Combo: Dash forward + (Katana mode) M1 x3 + One Million Slashes + M1 x1 + Katana Throw + (Fists mode) Headbutt + Uppercut (Damage is 43%)
- Ksheid's Combo: 3m1 + Million Slashes + 2m1 mini uppercut + Shadow Rush + Side Dash + Shadow Rush (2nd use) + Side dash into Katana Throw + 3m1 + Uppercut + Side dash into Whirlwind Pierce + Whirlwind Pierce (curdle variant) + forward dash + 3m1 downslam + Headbutt + Side Dash + Airial Slam + Dagger Cascade. (BONUS: if passive is active: from Side Dash into Katana throw + 3m1 downslam + Headbutt + Uppercut + Side dash into Whirlwind Pierce + Whirlwind Pierce (Curdle variant) + Forward Dash + 5m1 (Black Flash finisher)
- RandomDude Combo (A): 3 M1s + One Million Slashes + 1 M1 + Shadow Rush + Side Dash + Shadow Rush (Use Twice) + Side Dash + Katana Throw (time it!!!) 3 M1s + Downslam + Headbutt + Uppercut + Side Dash (immediately) + Whirlwind Pierce + Whirlwind Pierce (Use Twice) + Forward Dash + 4M1 (100-0, True, but can be countered)
- RandomDude Combo (B): 3 M1s + One Million Slashes + 1 M1 + Shadow Rush + Katana Throw (backpedal a bit and aim downwards) + 3 M1 (walk in range first) + Downslam + Headbutt + Uppercut + Whirlwind Pierce + Whirlwind Pierce (Use Twice) + 3 M1 (SLOW) + Dagger Cascade (100-0, True, but can be countered)
- AnalyticHeart's Combo: (most damage you can do in one combo if they don't have evasive (that I've found)) 3m1 + Million Slashes(timed right ,they shouldn't be able to dodge) 2m1 Mini Uppercut + Shadow Rush + Downslam( m1 the air to get to downslam) + Side Dash( away for spacing) + Shadow Rush( 2) + Side Dash( after opponent) + Katana Throw( you have to hit, otherwise they can escape) + 4m1 Downslam( slow) + Normal Downslam + Headbutt( wait until just before wakeup) + Uppercut. 79%, Kind of baffles me how hard this combo is and yet it does less dmamagethan base stain's. AND WHAT'S WORSE IS THAT IF DAGGER CD WAS SLIGHTLY LOWER IT COULD HAVE BEEN A ONE SHOT T_T PLEASE LOWER DAGGER CASCADE CD
- ytr445r's Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + One Million Slashes + 1 M1 + Uppercut + Shadow Rush + Immediate 3 M1's + Immediate Uppercut + Immediate Whirlwind Pierce + Shadow Rush (Second Usage) + Aerial Downslam + Immediate Katana Throw + 3 M1's + Downslam + Immediate Headbutt + Uppercut (Both Usages) // 99% DMG
- Whirlwind Pierce can miraculously give you the Second Use variant, resulting into a combo being a One Shot.
- If Whirlwind Pierce sends your opponent out of Shadow Rush's Second Use reach, do a Side Dash.
- Katana Throw must be used precisely.
(NOTE):The Combo was rewritten by Sovereign, in order for it to be a little more understandable. If the combo's creator is not happy about it, my apologies then.
- TheDrippyJokester's 110-0 Combo: (Waste Evasive before starting) 3 M1 + Uppercut + Shadow Rush + Ragdolled Uppercut + Shadow Rush 2nd Input + Front Loop Dash + 3 M1 + One Million Slashes + 1 M1 + Backdash + Katana Throw (Mid Backdash) + Side dash (M1 reset) + 3 M1 + Downslam + Uppercut + Side Dash + Whirlwind Pierce + Whirlwind Pierce 2nd use + Front Dash + 3 M1 Dagger Cascade + Headbutt (GOOD LUCK)
- Dirtyheart's Combo: Front Dash + 3 M1 + One Million Slashes + 1 M1 + Shadow Rush + Side Dash + Shadow Rush 2nd Input + Side Dash + 3 M1 + Katana Throw + Uppercut + 3 M1 + Headbutt + Whirlwind Pierce + Whirlwind Pierce (Use Twice) + front dash + 4 M1(black flash)
- ytr445r's Combo: (waste evasive as usual) front dash+ 3m1 + one million slashes + 1 m1 + mini uppercut+ shadow rush + + 3m1 with mini uppercut + whirlrind pierce (very early variant) + side dash (if its not in range of shadow rush second use) + shadow rush 2nd use + inmediate downslam + katana throw + 3m1 with downslam + uppercut + side dash + 3m1 with downslam + headbutt. (NOTE) this combo is 100% without whirlwind pierce second use being in a true 100 combo even if they dont use evasive but a bit hard to master it, if youre lucky you can get whirlwind pierce second use, remember when you used whirlwind pierce and the enemy ragdolls out the range of shadow rush second use do a inmediate side dash and use shadow rush 2nd use, remember to time katana throw precisely, if proof needed i can show a video fo the 100 combo (if you say this combo isnt true womp womp youre just bad)
- pqowsijdchvb's Combo: 3 M1 + Million Slashes + 1 M1 + Uppercut + Shadow Rush + Side Dash + Shadow Rush 2nd Use (Shadow Dash tech) + Side Dash + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Katana Throw at last moment + 3 M1 + Downslam + Headbutt + Immediate Whirlwind Pierce + Whirlwind Pierce 2nd Use + Front Dash + 3 M1 + Downslam + Uppercut + Side Dash + Dagger Cascade // 110%
- JinxDaCat's Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + One Million Slashes + 1 M1 + Mini Uppercut + Shadow Rush + Ragdolled Uppercut + Side Dash + Shadow Rush (2nd Use) + Shadow Dash Tech + Side Dash + 3 M1's + Backdash Cancel Tech (Will be added very soon) + Katana Throw + Side Dash + 3 M1's + Mini Uppercut + Uppercut (Use Twice) + Side Dash and 3 M1's midair (Toward opponent) + Downslam + Headbutt + Whirlwind Pierce (Aim it right to make it true) + Whirlwind Pierce (2nd Use) + Forward Dash (Side Dash if opponent is too close to avoid knockback) + 3 M1's (Slow) + Mini Uppercut (Or pull out sword if theyre low enough to proc Katana Throw's finisher) + Dagger Cascade (Use Twice) (Time it to hit the opponent as they wake up from ragdoll) + 4 M1's (To pull out sword). One Shot, true without evasive, theyll be dead before you need the daggers but that portion of the combo is there just in case for whatever reason they arent dead. Combo can be countered during Backdash Cancel Tech and during Whirlwind Pierce by counter moves.
- RandomDudeQBAXZCDSFE's Combo: 3 M1's + One Million Slashes + 1 M1 + Shadow Rush (Use Twice) + Downslam + Shadow Dash Tech + 3 M1's + Backdash Cancel Tech (Will be added very soon) + Katana Throw + Side Dash (Back to the opponent) + 3 M1's + Downslam + Headbutt + Uppercut (Use Twice) + Forward Dash (Into the opponent) - DIU (Damage Is Undefined)
Sovereign's note - why tf bro just added this combo in TSB discussions😭🙏
Azure Flames:
- Variant of SenSei Nova's combo: 3 M1s + Uppercut + Azure grab + Ember assault + 2 M1s (After M1s, Dash forward) + 3 M1s + Downslam + Ember Eruption. (Does not work cannot extend with dash, even if you could it's not specified how)
- 'GodOfEpicRedness combo: 3 m1 + uppercut + azure grab (cancel the end lag of uppercut by using azure grab) + buffer m1 tech + 3 m1 + slam + ember assault (if there are any nearby objects such as trees or pillars, aim yourself towards them) + x M1’s (amount of m1s depends on whether you managed to drive your opponent into a tree or other object) + ember Erruption + arial slam + infernal burn + front dash (turn around with the front dash) + 3 m1 + slam. (No longer working)
- ''OneShot Combo:''' (Make sure opponent doesnt have evasive) 3 m1's + downslam + walk back + air downslam + downslam (m1 3 times b4 they get up) + ember assault + 1 m1 + downslam + azure grab + dash + 3 m1's + walk back + air downslam + downslam (m1 3 times b4 they get up) + ember eruption + side dash + infernal burn + 3 m1's.(No longer working)
- ''One Shot Combo''': 3 M1 + Downslam + Side Dash + Aerial Downlam + 3rd move + walk back + dash forward + 4 M1 + Ember Assault (4th move??) + M1 + Mini-Uppercut + Azure Grab + Dash Forward + 3 M1 + Mini Uppercut + Infernal Burst or smth (2nd Move) Can be evaded, but still one shot)
- ''AnalyticHeart's Combo''': 4m1 Hit Away + Smash + Ember Assault + 2m1 Mini Uppercut + Azure Grab(wait this one out for as long as you can) + Late m1 tech + Front Dash(after opponent) + 2m1 Mini Uppercut + Ember Eruption(wait this one out for as long as you can) + Smash + Infernal Burn (84% dmg)
- mono_gramm's Ultimate Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Immediate PEAKING SCORCH + Immediate AZURE FLAMES:BLITZ (Simply, spam it while PEAKING SCORCH cutscene plays) // 100% HP wiped out // Requires your opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel // Untrue (You can add with immediate FROSTFLAME ERUPTION, immediately when AZURE FLAMES:BLITZ animation is over, but it's unnecessary cause AZURE FLAMES:BLITZ will already kill the opponent)
- JJay_e's Combo: Forward Dash, 3 M1's + Downslam, Ember Assault, 1 M1 + Downslam, Azure Grab (Tech), Side dash, Ember Eruption, Jump + Infernal Burn (Does 56% of their health. Only way out is at the start or when using Eruption)
- Takoyaking SMP Combo: 3 M1's (Slow) + Downslam + Azure Grab (No tech) + Jump & Forward Dash + 3 M1 + Downslam + Ember Assault + 1 M1 + Downslam + Ember Eruption + Infernal Burn (75%)
Mastered Azure Flames:
Mastered Azure Flames
"Just think about how your careless administration keeps allowing attacks all the time, attack after attack... You are so weak you couldn't even stop a criminal organization from abducting your students."
Toya Todoroki, Mastered Azure Flames, speaking to Sekijiro Kan, Vlad King.
Since i'm planning to rewrite this page, you know that already, this section will have a new version unlike others, so i won't have to spend more time on it at all.
- mono_gramm's Azure Form Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Immediate Infernal Assault - Third Charge + Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Hell Shot - Both Uses + Ragdolled M1 + Downslam (Onto the opponent) + Glacial Cinder // DIU
- mono_gramm's Violet Form Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Cinder Bind + Ragdolled M1 + Downslam (Right after Cinder Bind flame pillar hits them) + Hell Assault + Ragdolled M1 + Downslam + Phantom Shot - Both Uses // DIU
Split Ice:
- Valleyer's Combo: 3 M1s + Uppercut + Ice Javelin + 3 M1s + Downslam + Freezing Variants + Immediate Dash + Frost Burst (No longer works, dash is not long enough to catch after downslam variant)
- GodOfEpicRedness’ combo: 3 m1 + uppercut + side dash away + arial slam + side dash away + javelin + side dash/front dash to opponent + 3 m1 + uppercut + frost burst + side dash towards opponent + freezing variants. (No longer working)
- 1mg1fastfoood's combo: 3 m1 + Javelin(melee) +3 m1 + Freezing Variant + Immediate dash + 3 m1 + Uppercut + Frost Burst. (Does not work past Freezing Variant)
- AnalyticHeart's Combo: (most damage you can do in one combo if they don't have evasive (that I've found)) 4m1 Mini Uppercut + Smash + Frost Burst + Ice Javelin + Side Dash(after opponent) + Front Dash(after opponent) + 4m1 Mini Uppercut + Freezing Variant. 76% BABY LETS GO. Genuinely this character is so clunky I hated labing this, took me forever to find the conversion from frost burst into ice javelin. Before that I was only using 3 moves in the combo and it only did around 60%.
- DrippyJokester's Combo: 3 M1 + Uppercut+ ranged variant of Ice Javelin + 3 M1 + DownSlam + Subzero + Front Dash + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Frost Burst + Front Dash. Around 94% damage. (Does not work past subzero unless you can ride the person while they get flung away)
- Nounusednames's Combo: Front Dash + 3 M1 + Downslam + Sub Zero + Side dash + Front dash + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Ice Javelin (Ranged) + 3 M1 + Downslam + Frost Burst (Does 92% damage without Frost Burst passive, 97% with the passive, and 89% without the passive and the front dash in the beginning. Is escapable many times, so make sure your opponent doesn't have evasive)
Explosion Hero:
- Tobias' Combo: (roughly 60% combo) (You can also do different starts like starting with Powered Shot and then when they hit the ground use Ground Cannon to hit on ground, same applies for Explosion Combo)
- Monkey4D_garp's combo: 3M1s + Downslam + Ground Cannon + Explosion Combo + 3M1s + Downslam + Powered Shot 1 and 2 + Immediate Dash + 3M1s + Downslam + Blast Catapult.
- Soccerboy4511's combo: (Assuming ragdoll cancel has cooldown) 3M1s + Downslam + Ground Cannon + 3M1s Powered Shot 1 and 2 + Blast Catapult + Backflip and Side dash to enemy + Ground Cannon 2nd use (combo does around 74%) (you can also use Explosion Combo instead of 2nd Ground Cannon if you're fast enough)
- Zombie's combo: Front Dash + 3M1s + Explosion Combo + Powered Shot 1 + Side Dash + Forward Dash + Side Dash + Powered Shot 2 + Ground Cannon 1 (catch them as they're falling) + 4M1s + Blast Catapult + Side Dash + Front Dash + 3M1s + Ground Cannon 2 - 100% Combo, not true but who cares. (Very escapable after Blast Catapult)
- Tired's combo: 3m1 + Explosion combo + Downslam + Powered Shot (optional) + Back Dash and Blast Catapult (doesn't need to back dash if you don't use the Powered Shot)+ Side Dash and Back Dash+ Ground cannon + Powered Shot and again if you didn't use it earlier (if you used it earlier then that's it)
- mono_gramm's Combo: (Could only be used if you have the cooldown reducing passive active) + Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Explosion Combo + Wait as much as you can, thus so your Explosion Combo could have it's time to be set off cooldown + Ground Cannon + 3 M1's + Another Explosion Combo + Accurately approach the opponent's laying body (Make sure you're extremely close to them) + Powered Shot + Immediate Powered Shot // SECOND USAGE + Walk up to the opponent while zooming out your camera to see where they fall + Blast Catapult + Immediate Side Dash to the direction where your opponent is thrown away + Back Dash + Ground Cannon // SECOND USAGE // 86% HP wiped out // Requires opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel (NOTE:You can extend the 2nd use of Ground Cannon with Forward Dash to the opponent and use 4 M1's on them if needed)
- TheDrippyJokester's Combo: 3 M1 + Downslam (Waste Evasive) + Forward Dash (To catch them) + 3 M1 + Uppercut + Aim your camera down and jump + Powered Shot + Quick Side Dash + Ground Cannon + 3 M1 + Explosion Combo + Ragdolled Uppercut + Side Dash + Instant Aerial Downslam + Blast Catapult + Side Dash + Foward Dash (Into flying enemy) + INSTANT Powered Shot 2nd variant + Ragdolled Downslam + Ground Cannon 2nd Variant. Should One Shot if done everything correct.
note from sovereign: why Tobias' combo is deleted:boowomp:
Warp Portal:
- Deleteduser143's Combo: 3 M1s + Downslam + Reality Barrage + Side Dash + Forward Dash + 3 M1s + Downslam + Portal Combo + Warp punch(Don't recommend using this combo)
- Sh_ort Combo: 4m1s + Warp punch + forward dash + Downslam + Matter Absorption (tiles) + Portal combo + Matter Absorption (Spam it right after Portal combo) + Arieal Slam + Reality Barrage(Not recommended to Aerial downslam, just dash)
- GodOfEpicRedness’ combo: 3 m1 + uppercut + portal combo + jump, side dash, arial slam + matter absorption (tiles) + 4 m1 + warp punch + front dash + 3 m1 + uppercut + reality barrage.(Just time a dash after portal combo its less work)
- Sinster’s combo: 4 m1s + quickly use warp punch + front dash + 3 m1s + uppercut + portal combo + reality barrage (deals half or 80 percent) (NOTE you can add matter absorption BUT only with Tiles)
- mono_gramm's OneShot Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Jump + Matter Slam Tech + Portal Combo + Immediate Matter Absorption // SECOND USAGE (Spam it while the animation plays) + Side Dash to opponent + 3 M1's + Downslam + Warp Punch + Side Dash to opponent + 3 M1's + Mini Uppercut + Reality Barrage // Sure-finisher whenever Reality Barrage lands // Requires opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel // Must be done precisely // A good combo for grinding AWAKENING bar on dummy
- JinxDaCat's Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1s + Immediate Matter absorption(2) (Tiles Only) + Portal Combo(3) + Immediate Reality Barrage(1) (68-72%) (True) ALTERNATE: Forward Dash + 3 M1s + Uppercut + Immediate Warp Punch(4) + Side Dash (Time it right to bypass the opponents iframes) 3 M1s + Immediate Matter Absorption(2) (Tiles Only) + 1 M1 + Side Dash + Portal Combo(3) + Aerial Slam (Can be hit consistently post-aerial change, just walk backwards a bit first) + Immediate Reality Barrage(1) (Hold jump and spam Forward Dash during the move to dash at the opponent when the move ends) (106%. Will one shot dummy but will leave a full health player at 4% health, unless the last forward dash after Reality Barrage(1) hits the opponent with an I.W.O.)
- mono_gramm's Ultimate Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Reality Collapse + 1 Side Dash (Because side dashing immediately lands you back on the ground, you can remove the falling effect from Reality Collapse aftermath that applies on you to immediately extend with something else) + Crush (Precise Aim) // ONE SHOT // Requires precision // Requires opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel
- RegularCivillion's mid combo: Side dash+4 M1's+Matter absorption tree+Forward dash+3 M1's+Portal combo +Instantly use Reality Collapse (when they get out of the animation)+Side dash+3 M1's+Down slam+Warp punch= Mid combo (Combo uses both ult and base form moves making this combo useless)
Symbol of Fear:
- 0-59% combo: 3M1s + uppercut + 2 (quickly) + side dash + 3M1s + downslam + 1 + 3M1s + sidedash + downslam.(Recommend to downslam instead of uppercut because you will have a larger chance of hitting 2)
- Hiimpostors9 Combo : 3 M1 + uppercut + loop-dash + dash + 3 m1 + downslam + Vanquish + Deteriorate + dash + 3M1s(No longer working)
- missduckthe3rd's 100% Combo: (No longer working) 3M1s + uppercut + loopdash + sidedash + 3m1s + uppercut(or 4m1s+sidedash if you want it to be flashy+ deteriorate + sidedash + 3m1s + downslam/uppercut(yet again if you want it to be flashy 4m1s +sidedash) + vanquish (NOTE THIS IS THE EARLY ACCESS VERSION OF TOMURA aka symbol of fear SO IT MIGHT HAVE A BETTER COMBO WHEN IT RELEASED and this combo is pretty hard for newbies if you want an easier combo I recommended my other combo, the 0-59% one)
- JinxDaCat_onYT's 83% Combo: Forward Dash, 3m1, Downslam, Vanquish(1), 3m1 while walking towards ragdolled opponent, Downslam, Deteriorate(2), Side Dash, 3m1, Downslam, Side Dash, Aerial Slam, immediate Void Steps(4). NOTE: If you use slow M1s after Deteriorate(2) to stall for cooldowns, you may be able to extend via superdash tech with Vanquish(1) after Void Steps(4) and repeat the combo from there, making this a one shot, HOWEVER doing so is insanely difficult, maybe even impossible, to be a true combo extender from my own experience, as players usually get out of Void Steps(4) quicker than you can aim your superdash with Vanquish(1), so do this at your own risk. (No longer working, due to patching of SuperDash)
- Noobie2468's Combo: 3m1, downslam, immediately use Deteriorate, side dash to opponent, 3m1s, downslam, Vanquish, side dash to the opponent but far enough to do an arial slam, before the opponent gets up use Void Steps to hit the opponent when they get up. (escapable)
- Finn’s 81% combo: 4 m1s, vanquish, do 3 m1s while walking towards ragdolled opponent, mini upper or m1 downslam, deteriorate, 3 m1s, mini upper and then void steps. Can finish if you land an environmental extender on last hit of an m1 chain.
- swordmasterbobthe1sts 77% combo: 3m1s, downslam, 2 (quickly), side dash, 3 m1s uppercut or downslam, 1, down slam, wait 3 seconds then use 4, 77% damage if 4 hit only one time more if hit more times. (escapable)
- mono_gramm's Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Downslam + Immediate Deteriorate + Decomposition Tech (Slowest Possible 3 M1's + Downslam) + Timed Vanquish + Decadent Vanquisher Tech (Ragdolled 3 M1's + Downslam) + Deteriorate + Decomposition Tech (3 M1's + Downslam) + Timed Void Steps (All five hits) // Normally Leaves Weakest Dummy at 1%, meaning the normal player will be left with 11% of their HP. And because these 11% HP is probably will be spent to force the player to lose their Evasive, this one might be a OneShot. // REQUIRES EXPLOSION HERO'S PASSIVE TO BE EXECUTED
Jet Engine:
- Rush_E235's 54% Combo: 3m1's, uppercut, chain into 2, and as the opponent hits the ground, quickly chain into 1 without hold, and once they hit the ground, chain into 3 (Thanks for telling me 👍)
- Hanaroasora's Combo: Dash + 3m1 + Downslam + as quickly as you can use Recipro Assault (Full charge) + Hold m1 and side dash + after side dash hold spacebar so you uppercut as soon as you can + Sound Breaker + Turbine Barrage + uppercut (Hold m1 and spacebar right after Turbine Barrage) + loop dash which pushes them too far away to extend. (Currently there is only 3 moves) (Deals 75%)
- mono_gramm's Combo: Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Uppercut + Turbine Barrage + Ragdolled Uppercut + Immediate Recipro Assault (Third Gear) + Ragdolled Uppercut + Sound Breaker + Ragdolled Downslam (Immediate) + Aerial Downslam + Turbine Barrage + Ragdolled Uppercut + Immediate Recipro Assault (Any Gear, but Third Gear is fine) // One Shot // Requires the opponent to be devoid of ragdoll cancel // Requires precision and timing for Aerial Downslam, given by their special timing