Heroes Battlegrounds Wiki

The1S0ver31gnty The1S0ver31gnty 4 January

Characters Damage

Not done yet, ight

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Kingofcook Kingofcook 19 November 2024


the right way is like this :) or like this (:? what does :v mean? since the earth is spinning all the time and we don't get dizzy because when we spin just a little we get dizzy? because when we blow when the sound of F the air comes out cold and when the sound of O comes out hot?? Who created the QUESTION??? IF FIRE MAKES LIGHT WHY DO WE USE ELECTRICITY?????? THE QUESTION THAT WHICH CAME FIRST, THE EGG OR THE CHICKEN PROBABLY IS THE CHICKEN THAT OTHER ANIMALS WERE CREATING OTHER SPECIES UNTIL THE CHICKEN CAME SO WOULD THE EGG OR THE CHICKEN STARTED FROM A MAMMALE??????????? ??????????????????????????????

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Yoda gameing Yoda gameing 27 October 2024



yoda gmaing


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Badluckman2 Badluckman2 2 October 2024

Small rant, ignore if ya want

I just made a whole server quit, I mean, not as that I made it and now I'm writting, more like I'm writting after 20 minutes of staring at the screen like I just saw the Word Document I had to do at the last minute not be sent correctly to the teacher who literally doesn't accepts the homework once a singular second after the specific hour of delivering passes. The server had 13 people in total, two of them of 10K kills each and I beat them both enough times for them to end up calling me "unskilled", "spammer" and the usual dictionary to tell someone they are overall bad, but then again, they chained skills every time and wasted evasive second one so, no wonder I was not letting those get up.

Got ganked as well by four people with barely ab…

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