Must be have been in the League of Villains or be affiliated
Must be featured in 1+ season
Must have an arc featuring them
That being said, here we go.
10. Redestro: By far the weakest villain on this list, has no real motivation, and the conclusion to their story is just… bad. He literally only exists to lose during the PL arc. His quirk is interesting, but not as cool as the others on this list.
9. Mr. Compress: Another weak villain here, but still has some development (though I can’t even remember because how minor it was. His quirk is cool, but that’s all he has going for him in my eyes.
8. Twice: Here’s where things get better. Twice is a man who went insane due to him misusing his quirk, a man scarred by the idea that he isn’t real, and when he realizes he is real, he lets lose. My biggest complaint is that he died, but that adds a lot of the tragedy, and also improves of of the villains on this list.
7. Spinner: Spinner went through the equivalent of racism and mistreatment from his quirk changing the way he looked. He followed stains ideology's closely, believing heroes to be corrupt because of everything he went through. What makes him so low to me is because 1. His quirk is mid, and 2. When he gets the body bulk quirk, he loses all interest I had in him.
6. Overhaul: I am an Overhaul glazer for life. He has one of my favourite quirks in the series, and plays the role of someone who hates quirks while also using them. He is a perfect example of a hypocrite, believing quirks are infections and need to be rooted out. Overhaul is one of the first examples where the quirk singularity theory is brought up indirectly, and it makes you question if his end goal was truly that bad. that being said, what makes him better is his ruthlessness, given he literally operated on a child to create his “cure.” The reason why he’s so low is because the other villains are just that much better.
5. Stain: This is the definition of a complex villain. Similar to overhaul, his actions are gross, being he’s a literal serial killer for heroes, but his motives, while extreme, are surprising human. He believes that heroes who accept payment are corrupt, that they are not heroes, more or less fakes, with the small exception of All Might and Deku. He is an amazing villain, with an amazing quirk while also contributing majorly towards the series.
4. Gentle: Gentle is one of my favourite villains in the series because he is incredibly relatable. Gentle was a man who failed at becoming a hero, instead becoming a failure, a stain on the family. He meets his classmate again, and he doesn’t remember him. Gentle, like all of us, dreads the feeling of being forgotten. He chases fame without any regard on who he hurts because he doesn’t want to be forgotten, he doesn’t want to become… nothing. His quirk is extremely interesting and has many attributes and applications through the world.
3. Toga: Himiko Toga is one of the best villains in fiction, having an incredibly sad backstory, one that could have been prevented had the system been better, had it accounted for the people with behaviour changing quirks. Toga had a quirk that made her desire to suck peoples blood and was called a freak and a weird her entire life. People tried to fix her, tried to change her to the point where it felt like a suffocating mask, like a layer of fake skin. Toga throughout the story is called creepy, called scary, has been told that her smile is creepy, things that hurt her. And when someone finally told them the opposite, that her smile was beautiful, she helps them, using her quirk to help, proving that the tragedy that was Himiko Toga could have been prevented had the right systems been in place.
2. Shigaraki: Tenko Shimura was a boy who’s life was ruined before it even began. His aunt was Nana Shimura, a hero killed by Afo, causing a. Rift between the father, and heroes, Tenko wished and hoped to be a hero, but because of those aspirations he was a hit and belittled by his father. His parents, typically siding with the father told him that it wasn’t his falult, which caused him to grow resentment for his parents. This all culminated when Shimura awakened his quirk, killing everyone in his family. Shimura blamed heroes for the death of his family because they neglected him. I could go really f*cking in-depth on shigarakis character, but the point is his character arc, his quirk, and his presence make him one of the best depictions of a pure evil villain with trauma.
1. Dabi: The phantom of he todoroki family, a wound that failed to heal, one that must be cauterizad, Toya Todoroki. Toya was blessed with a quirk surpassing the firepower even of Endeavor, the no. 2 hero, however because it was so hot, his father refused to train him due to him not wanting his son to get burnt. Eventually, Toya invited his father to watch him on Sakamoto peak, where as a result of his frustrations due to his father not showing, burnt himself nearly alive. Later on, he adopted the name Dabi and silently watched the family from a distance, keen on finally making his father reap what he had sown. What makes Dabi even more tragic is that moments before explosion, he kept repeating phrases like, “look at me,” which implied all he ever wanted was to be watched an acknowledged by his family. Similar to shigaraki, I could go really f*cking in-depth, but you get the point. Davis is my favourite villain in Mya because he’s tragic, has a cool quirk, and has in general amazing character writing.