Dont worry , I`m not racist.
300000000000 years
Thanks , after todoroki hipe fallind i will survive more than 3 seconds:)
Everyone will play todoroki(to farm mastery) -} a lot of really annoying guys like news, runners , killstealers , teamers and others :(
Next mastery is todorowki...
About reworked Portal Warp finisher ... I think we can use old wiki gifs (from Changelog) if autor lets us use it.
I redacted Legacy Content And i want to add it there.
True bloodlust
10 Votes in Poll
Cool concepts , what about GIANT SUPER UBER MEGA WETEORITE to 4 th move
I Destroyed Flying exploiter With Porta Warpo (Exploiter was farming kill 50 streak )
When I gone to this server I :
Had A Friendly 1v1
Made 1v1 Interrupter RageQuit
Got 5 Kills
P . S . thxeox1807 , if you see this Page pls Like It.
Guys you re the best!
Thx for ccol ideas
Plus Ultra !
User activates his power to maximum . Next attack will play finisher animation and deal 20 extra damage , but user gets 5 % damage and cant use moves 4-6 seconds
COOLDOWN 10 seconds
Mastered Green Hero
Shadow fishrod
Next user,s attacks will have a shadow whisp effect , that will increase range of Shadow Whisp and attract people to user,s attacks .
Alsopulls enemies to you by M1s
Time 10 sec Cooldown 10 sec
Hero Slayer
Bloody Berserker
All cooldowns decreases to 0 , 75 . Also All hitboxes Increases to 1.5 x .
Cooldown : 15 seconds
Time : 10 seconds
Mastered Hero Slayer
Unused Sheath
You changes Your moveset . Knives doesn’t go to cooldwn.
Time to Change Animation : 2 sec (You cant attack)
Azure Flames
Fire Rage
Reverts ALL nerfs for 5 seconds
Cooldown : 15 Seconds
Mastered Azure Flames
Cold Arsenal
Increases damage and few chages animatons Of Moves and M1s (Ice Alebard , scyte and Machetes)
Cooldwn : 7 seconds
Split Ice
Fire in the Hole!
Or(50 % chance)
Icy Dusty!
If You got first passive , Your moves gives Azure Flames like Effect , and make more fire in your attacks
If you got Second passive , You gets Freezing passive And it Can Ubgrade ALL your Moves (tnx Kogamaster)
Cooldown : 10 Seconds
Exploding Hero
Star Spraklie
Your next 3 attacks creates Sparklies that explodes by touching
Damage 5
Sparklie Lifetime 5 seconds
Cooldown 7 seconds
Symbol of fear
Meaning means
Creates Mean aura . People in aura cant block
Cooldown 13 Seconds
Jet Engine
Starts running to last hitten opponent from every place of map (Like Gojo in JJS )
Cost 5 % of Ult
Portal Warp
Get Outta of my Bar!!!
Gets Buffs From this Post:
(tnx DrippyJokester)
Thx every one!!!!!
This place is exists!!!!!!!!!
Triccshot , you re litraly reading mine minds ,
Yo , why i cant edit