Hey yall me and some of my friends were gonna make a Yuno Miles wiki as a joke and hopefully developed enough to where Yuno Miles actually sees it lol, if you want to help here you go Yuno Miles | Yunopedia Wiki | Fandom
Somebody had to do it..
Hi unfiltered hater was the huzz even more of a hater what happened (also you didn't miss a whole lot but you should join the yunopedia wiki if you know Yuno Miles lol Yuno Miles | Yunopedia Wiki | Fandom)
I'm okay with it, I am only confused as to why electric smash got a lock on nerf because it is a move that requires fast turning around to properly use and (guess what roblox doesn't give us that) but every other move seemed right to me, I think its a good change I hit the moves anyways
Pretty good analysis, when it comes to animations, I do just prefer Heroes in general cause I don't mind long animations and also the devs are actively revamping outdated animations like blackout clutch as you mentioned, we've seen this with Manchester's rework, reality barrage finisher, and hero slayer's thousand slashes and curdle pierce finishers (I'm sure there is more I forgot). Animation-wise its more-so a matter of opinion since it really is just two separate art styles, and I can understand why people could dislike Heroes' long and detailed animations just for the graphical stress and length, but I personally don't mind. Great rundown though you really took your time for it, I've thought about making some sort of comment of how Ultimate Battlegrounds is just full of wasted potential, as well as Realm Rampage.
Hey yall me and some of my friends were gonna make a Yuno Miles wiki as a joke and hopefully developed enough to where Yuno Miles actually sees it lol, if you want to help here you go Yuno Miles | Yunopedia Wiki | Fandom
I would love more black flash reference maybe in Final Hour would be cool to see (if something similar to that was added)
After enough hits from separate people you can see a blue aura within your character getting brighter, and after so many hits you explode a wide area of effect and everyone around is stunned for a long period, there is no cooldown just being teamed on makes this happen
The present moment is the moment you make, what you do is your own choice and you can make it a good one
His passive kind of sucks too, but it could honestly just be fixed by making it last longer
There was one other passive I thought off that could work well, or reworking passive to knock them very far away instead. My 2nd passive idea was this, after you kill someone, you get an extra double behind you, again like a jojo stand, when you block. Once someone hits your block enough or attempts to hit you with moves while you are blocking even from behind (excluding grab moves) your double will jump out and hit them away before disappearing. This would be similar to how Tatsumaki's passive is in Strongest, a game that I personally dislike greatly now but still had good ideas from it, rest in peace strongest it had a good run.
Nothing nerfed sonic cosplayers i think he is just assuming they all play on console; we genuinely need an anti-teaming measure like JJS does. JJS has a huge problem with runners so I believe if they added the same systems Heroes added to deal with running it would be good, and then Heroes should implement the anti-teaming measures that JJS has added to deal with teamers. Also, as a console player myself the lock on balance was needed, I still hit every one of these moves anyways doesn't affect me lol, but I know many of them were 95% sure hits, especially the Beyond 100% and 1,000,000% combo where you do million right after 100. Great update honestly
Do yall think they should add a map like the city shown in TRUE EVIL and Reality Barrage Finisher? I think it would be nice to have a city, not too big, with the collision they have already added. Maybe as a map in only some servers you can select from the server menu, or add map cycles. I think that they do a good job making maps and it would be nice to see variation in publics, and just the city in certain moves looks very promising and good I would like it, but of course keep the old map aswell.
Hi I was told I should do a twice concept so here we go:
Base Info: Twice's doubles will consist of either yourself or people on your friends list depending on which move it is. I provided references below moves for base ideas, not exact replicas. Also I really didn't try to name the moves yall can come up with ideas.
Passive: You gain a "combo breaker." When you are actively in an m1 or move combo, you can simply summon a double to jump in and punch your attacker away enough to forward dash and start a combo on them, around the same distance as Deku v2's Quintuple Detroit. This is activated by simply pressing dash while being comboed, like an evasive but can be activated at any point during a combo rather than when ragdolled. Does not consume a ragdoll evasive charge but rather a separate passive charge similar to how Stain v2's passive is used once you hit your 4th m1/uppercut.
1st Move: Measurements (with variants)
Base Variant: You begin slashing your tape at the opponent violently, switching directions until on the 5th strike a double comes from behind you, runs ahead and punches the opponent away before disappearing. This attack is blockable, does not ragdoll the opponent, and leaves the opponent merely pushed back similarly to how the 1st variant of deku v2 blackwhip is. (the distance they are pushed back is not a small distance where you can forward dash and combo off of, this is a combo ender).
Ragdoll Variant: After you have either hit the 4th m1 on your opponent, uppercutted, or downslamed, you get a different variation of the move. Instead of slashing you extend your tape outwards, wrapping it around the opponent, pull them towards you and slam them against the ground, then before the tape is removed you aggressively pull of off them yourself, making the sharp edges of the tape cut them and sending them in the air a bit. This leaves them ragdolled aswell, and they are right next to you, this is an extender for certain moves.
Similar to this if they actually hit Bakugo
2nd move: Double Trouble: You hit the opponent and send them away only for a double to hit them back towards you, and then you and the double then combo the opponent, with you having to hit the move to land each hit on sound queue similar to Shigaraki's Void Steps, and once you have landed all 5 queues or missed one the opponent is sent away with the double disappearing. This is a combo ender.
3rd move: Teamwork: Similar to how Megumi's frog works in JJS, except with much shorter range (must be just about right in front of you) once you hit this move the opponent has a small bit of time to react if they are up and not stunned as it is blockable, a double is summoned from behind the opponent and grabs the opponent like a bear hug and holds them still as you continuously hit them left and right across the head, once you are finished the double then performs a suplex, slamming them against the ground ragdolled, leaving them vulnerable to being comboed.
Cannot find reference.
Ragdoll Variant: If the opponent is ragdolled while you activate this move, the animation is slightly different. Since they are not standing the double cannot grab and hold them still, so rather a shorter variant of the move is played where the double simply is summoned on top of the opponent and hits them 3 times, similar to how the Hotline Miami ragdoll finish is, before disappearing leaving the opponent still ragdolled.
4th move: Extra help: You grab the opponent, hit them twice, then slash them away with your tape. After you do this, your move has a second use, once you hit the first move, a double stands behind you like a jojo stand. Once you use the second use, your double begins rapidly punching like star platinum, but does not ragdoll or send the opponent away, similar to thousand slashes.
Sorry for so much text, anyway, Twice does not get a whole lot of fighting done and when it is done it really is just him summoning others and fighting with a one-man army. I can think of an ult later if yall liked this concept idk I'm not very good at these things.
I also had finishers in mind, but I feel like that's too much.
See yall later
@TheDrippyJokester @The1S0ver31gnty @Kogamaster1234 @RegularCivillion
Really and truly lock on is there to balance, I am a console player myself and we absolutely can NOT turn around at actual good speeds, its so freaking slow and heroes had to add their own sensitivity thing that sometimes works because of roblox bad system (blame roblox not heroes)
Twice concept it is (one of my favorites)
2 votes yet absolutely no comments of who I should concept (if people do not say who soon I will do a Yuno Miles concept.