since i am getting jumped constantly, i just want someone to watch out for me when i play hbg.
good ping
good at clutching 2v1s
great person that won't be toxic
hates sonic cosplayers just like me
Lol, good job buddy, also, i have a limited screen time everyday depending on what i did to earn it during the day, so that's why i left, yeah, my asian dad is the reason.
Yoo, @TheDrippyJokester thanks for helping me when i got jumped by sonic cosplayers, you were a big help, could you just see if i am getting jumped every time you play? cuz i have been jumped so much at this point.
Yo....what the f**k man, i can understand all the stupid sh*t you just threw at me for no f**king reason, no wonder you are the unfiltered hater.
What the f**K? why ya talking about wh*res?
For some reason i was expecting some r*cist sh*t or smth, the title got me.
me who only listens to gaming ost like hbg osts: what is that again?
yeah, the lag one applys when i play hbg, but only applys sometimes in jjs, cuz in jjs i get at least 120 fps, but sometimes i lag in jjs and once my friend saw and told me what i am doing is true 30 fps gaming, lmfao.
upload em to the emotes tab.
i don't team, but ngl it is annoying to fight against him, especially since he can easily do a true ice javelin m1 reset tech that doesn't require skill, and frost burst finisher breaks, but the only weakness is if you spam the grab and the counter and miss, they got tons of endlag.
i constantly switch to different playstyles, and that usually helps me take the advantage of a fight a lot of times, but when my opp is low, i get really greedy, i start playing really aggressive and risky just because i am looking at a easy kill.
i am getting my ass jumped in every game bruh, summoning mahoraga in a jjs pub server equals to s*icide
since i am getting jumped constantly, i just want someone to watch out for me when i play hbg.
good ping
good at clutching 2v1s
great person that won't be toxic
hates sonic cosplayers just like me
i get jumped every where i go, at least only five ppl jumped you, you will never understand my pain.
W moveset for real, i better start cooking again soon or i'll get left behind.
welp, just shows the main weakness of gojo domain, if a move is used before the domain, it doesn't get cancelled, so if a black flash or plasma wave comes, they're cooked.
there's no fucking way fortnite added this bruh, and toji isn't even a curse! hanami or jogoat would have been more reasonable.
I guess it's to stop ppl from spamming deku/vigilante's overpowered block breaks, such as manchester and electric smash.
I recently encountered some kids who are still stuck in 2023, like this one kid dressed up as the f**king golden arrow, if you watched tsb shorts back when tsb used to update regularly, you would know who the f**k that is, anyways, the little b*tch cosplayed as him, and used the most hated playstyle as well, he is running all the time, until he got his ult, he managed to get 1hp with ult, but in the end, he somehow sold the katana throw 4th m1 finisher, and i clutched the fight, bro came back later, but he accidentally interrupted two ppl's new combat gods emote that was 2 mins long, and we all ended up jumping the sh*t out of that kid, he raged right after, didn't even get his getback.
But it's still better than most anti teams, because hbg anti team will not help you when you get hit by a twin combo that is moves only, if they use moves to stun you instead of m1s, you're trapped, but jjs anti team even if used on you, will grant you some advantages, such as allowing you to escape grab moves, which hbg doesn't allow, tze had tried his best to improve burst.