Hey all, just wanted to say hi because I'm new to this wiki but not new to heroes battlegrounds and the battlegrounds genre of games. I've been playing heroes for a bit (I think I have around 2.8k kills??) and stain v2 is by far my favorite character. So, even though his ult just came out, I wanted to make my own concept on the rest of it.
JUDGEMENT (Awakening) - No changes (obviously)
Detrimental Division (1st move) - No changes again (wow!!!)
Crimson Uproar (2nd move, NOT blockable, picks up grounded opponents) - The user will do a short teleport dash forward (just a bit faster than a normal ult teleport dash) and if close to an enemy, will grab them by the head and start to do a barrage of small punches to their stomach, punching them away after and quickly throwing their sword (the person hit can't dash away from the katana throw, as they will be stunned). Once the katana hits the enemy, they will be impaled with it (akin to katana throw), and will be stunned just far and long enough for a front dash or side dash to combo into it. (You will immediately get your katana back if you do decide to combo them. If not, your katana will return to you after about 4 seconds, but your moveset will not change. if you do miss the teleport dash, there will be lots of endlag.) This move does 23%, just like his 1.
Hell's Torment (3rd move, picks up grounded opponents, not blockable) - The user will reach in front of them (similar to dabi's azure flames blitz), and if an enemy is grabbed, the user will slam them into the ground before impaling them with their katana. Then, the user will grab the katana impaled in the enemy, doing a twirl in the air and slamming the enemy into the ground using their katana, then kicking them away while taking their katana back. The user will then throw 6 daggers, 3 of them each impaling the enemy in both of their legs, keeping them grounded. The user will then take 2 steps forward before teleporting and punching the enemy away with a powerful punch (similar to black flash). This will also give the blood curdle debuff, allowing the enemy to be stunned. Instead of the normal licking blood animation, the user will point their katana towards the ground, holding the handle and taking a long lick as they move their sword up, returning to their normal stance. This move does 30% damage to the opponent.
FINAL HOUR (4th move, not blockable, cannot pick up grounded opponents, startup counter) - Similar to todoroki's blazing soul, this move starts as a counter, before rushing forward. While rushing forward, instead of punching, the user will instead slash their katana, starting a cutscene and making the opponent fly a decent distance away. The user will then run forward, slashing the opponent right in the chest before throwing up their sword into the air, charging up a powerful punch, then punching the enemy right in the face, staggering them. The user then starts to barrage the enemy with punches and kicks all over their chest and face, finally ending it off by just tapping them once on the face (taunting them) before catching their sword, turning around and impaling them in the chest with a backwards movement. They will then turn, throwing the enemy off of their sword and striking a pose before the move ends. This move does 50%.
I know this post is long already, but there has to be finishers in this ult. So here they are.
Crimson Uproar (Finisher) - After being impaled with the katana, the user will teleport to the enemy, stopping right in front of them, slowly pulling their katana out of the enemy's chest before grabbing the enemy's arms, ripping them right off. The user will then headbutt the opponent before swiftly cutting their head off, doing a quick flash of slashes, atomizing the rest of the enemy's body, just leaving their head on the ground.
Hell's Torment (Finisher) - After keeping the enemy grounded with the daggers, a cutscene will play, once again showing the enemy's pov, looking at the user standing a distance away from them, staring. The user will then slowly walk up to the enemy, quickly teleporting out of sight. The enemy will hear footsteps and breathing behind them, right before their screen starts to glow red, a crushing sound starting to play as their vision slowly shrinks and as their screen goes black. The camera will then go back to the user, showing they crushed the enemy's head with their bare hands, staring down at the enemy's lifeless body.
FINAL HOUR (Finisher) - Instead of slashing the enemy to start the cutscene, the user will just immediately start to do the barrage of kicks and punches, stopping to knee the enemy in the chin, causing them to fall to the ground. The user will then pick the enemy up by the head, tilting their head in a way to taunt the enemy as they stare right into their eyes. The user will then take out a single dagger, holding it up to the enemy's face before repeatedly impaling their head with it, then throwing the enemy away. With the enemy's last energy, they will lunge forward to punch the user, only to be dodged and stunned as the user licks the dagger they just used. The user will then teleport in front of the enemy, taking out their sword and slowly slicing the enemy in half from the bottom to the top. In the enemy's pov, it will show their screen being split in half before it fades to black.
And that's it. I know it's a lot, but I had to show some love to my favorite character in the game.