@RegularCivillion as promised...
Awakening // Gambling Godhood
--- The user applies a specific hand sign for a huge train to lift them up and fling away the bystanders, as they begin to perform acrobatic movement on top of it while throwing cards around the battlefield, each is causing big explosion to appear on its landing spot. Shortly afterward, the user drops down dramatically (Like in 1 000 000% Finisher), causing a major crater to appear. Whereupon, the user looks into straightforward direction with greenish aura surrounding them, as the greenish text above them displays «COMBAT RHYTHM...» and their dharma wheel starts spinning, right into the moment when the text appears. // The train deals 15% DMG, colliding with the falling card does 10%, but next time you get hit by cards fill just roughly fling you, and the drop-down deals 25%.
1 / Rough Reprisal (Type: Total Offense / Multi-Hit) // The user firstly kicks their opponent's ribs, then they spin vertically to smash their both legs into the opponent's nape, forcing them to meet the ground with their face while the user, in slow motion, spins again to deal a horizontal dropkick into their chest, causing the opponent to fly away, as the cutscene starts, where the user chases them down and spins midair to smash the rolling opponent into the ground with the right side of their right leg, just to add it with right fist that ruptures the opponent's ribs, as shown by Impact Frames. The force of the punch is strong enough to launch the opponent upwards for the user to grab them with left arm, spinning horizontally to throw them into the air as they bump into train doors spawned in a straight row. As the opponent breaks through all of them, one train door spawns below them for them to land on it, before the user leaps up and dropkicks it, damaging the opponent's spine. In the air, the user pummels the opponent's back with fierce punch barrage before they use their right leg and smash it into the opponent's back, thus sending them downwards. The opponent lands on the levitating train door, once again, but the user lands on the opponent with their legs and then kicks them upwards. Whereupon all that, the user applies a hand sign which spawns a lot of trains that hit the opponent into several directions in the air, with the final one smashing the opponent downwards to where the user stands. As the opponent lands in the user's arms, the train door from earlier levitates downwards due to how much power the last train used to bump into the opponent, and then, shortly afterward - the user suplexes the opponent into the train door from below headfirst, causing the door to break up and the opponent to fall onto the ground. But then, the user appears in flashy manner and right-leg kicks their ribs, completely destroying them into a mere powder for sure, as shown by Impact Frames, with the kick leading the opponent pinned into the ground, causing a massive crater to appear from the kick's power. // Deals pure 50% DMG, the crater from the end deals 15% to the bystanders.
2 / Overwhelming Strike (Type: Counter / Offense) // The user takes a defensive stance, and upon being hit, dodges and charges their right fist with luck energy, striking the opponent's stomach before kicking it with their left leg, causing such energy resonance even the ribs was broken from it, despite the kick landing directly into the opponent's abdomen. Before the opponent gets sent flying away from the kick, the user grabs them with their left arm and throws them into the sky as the opponent bumps into straightforward row of train doors, and once they break through each, an another train door spawns below, causing them to safely land, whereupon the user appears in flashy manner from above to stomp on their stomach, and then to pummel their face with fists, ending with slow right punch, then left one and final double-fist smash into the opponent's face, causing them to fly into the ground at immense speeds, creating a crater upon impact. // Deals 14-28% DMG and the crater does 12% to the bystanders. Sometimes, the opponent might gain the damage from both the move and the crater (due to the bug), resulting into a whopping 26-40% damage as a result, uh oh... And the slow right-left-double punch sequence in the end is an inspiration of Kratos VS Baldur, when Kratos was pummeling Baldur's face on the rooftop of his own home.
3 / Felicitous Pummeling (Type: Total Offense / Multi-Hit) // The user starts barraging the opponent (With speed of when Kratos in «God of War 2018» attacks with by LMB in Spartan's Rage mode, or simply just slightly faster than the punches from Quintuple Smash), before they deal a devastating uppercut to their opponent that, according to Impact Frames, breaks their chin into almost nothing and sends them flying away. // Depending on the luck --- 10-20% DMG.
Alternate Use // If Overwhelming Strike is not on cooldown, a QTE button appears in the moment of uppercut, and if you successfully land it along with pressing 2 at the same time, after the uppercut will be next: After the impact of the uppercut, he user then spins to deal a diagonal roundhouse right kick to the opponent's vertex, finishing all that with left-fist striking the opponent's skull, then to deal a diagonal roundhouse backfist into the exact same spot with right arm, and then to spin horizontally to smash their left leg into the opponent's ribs, finally sending them upwards. // No luck dependence - pure 25% DMG.
Felicitous Pummeling's Finisher // After the user sends the opponent flying miles into the sky, they look at them before leaping next to them, spinning 360 degrees to deal a roundhouse left kick into the opponent's stomach with immense power, sending them flying away internally destroyed. (Flings away the opponent with the force of «One Inch Punch» kill emote) // Since the opponent creates a huge crater when landing back into the ground, the bystanders will get 15% DMG if they was within its radius.
4 / Fortunate Sanctuary (Type: Total Defense / Multi-Grab) // The user recites «Domain Expansion...» (In Hakari's tone from Jujutsu Shenanigans.) and applies a special hand sign, summoning Fool's Bet Sanctuary domain. // Lasts two minutes and grants the user the ability to ignore block of the opponents, and extends the hitbox of the M1's, but in exchange the user cannot use Rough Reprisal, and the damage from Felicitous Pummeling and Overwhelming Strike is halved by twice.
In addition, one cumbo-
Forward Dash + 3 M1's + Felicitous Pummeling (+ Alternate Use) + Immediate Rough Reprisal (Thus you will avoid the start-up and the move's dropkick will land, but the damage will be lowered by 10% since first two kicks are missed.) + Ragdolled 3 M1's + Ragdolled Downslam = ggeznoob (Actually... Since no M1 boost is applied into the awakening, and if we consider the damage is max or is just luck independent, it will result into a whopping 88%.)