Thought to add Concepts by myself, but cause of my laziness i see the others have done it before me, alright then.
This character is a replacement of Azure Flames, being A NEW, total and complete anti-teamer instead of the early mentioned character.
Name: Creeping Shadows
Base Moveset
Passive 1 - Each night in-game, you gain +15% damage boost, unless you're in In The Dark state.
Passive 2 - Each kill, you gain +15% damage boost and increased walkspeed.
Passive 3 - If being jumped, with the 50% chance, Dark Shadow will roar, pushing the opponents away and enhancing you with 50% damage durability and 50% damage boost for 10 seconds. You can't stack the time, but it restarts if being jumped again, though the cooldown of it is 5 seconds.
Passive 4 -Whenever in In The Dark state, your block {{F}}, in exchange of receiving even more damage if you got attacked from behind, will ignore block-breaking capabilities of base moves, the only exception is ultimate moves.
1 / Dismal Darkness (Type: Use Twice / Offense) // The user uppercuts the opponent's solar plexus and chokeholds their neck, throwing them into the air before the user kicks their spine, forcing them to be rolled away. Upon second use - Dark Shadow appears and roughly grabs the opponent's head to horizontally spin and smash them into the ground, using the momentum they're launched upwards to wrap around them, spinning along their axis while clawing them, shortly afterward launching the opponent upwards, landing next to the user while Dark Shadow disappears. // Deals 16% (8% Both Uses) damage, plus 4% damage if the opponent won't use Evasive, resulting into creating a crater that deals the early mentioned damage. Only Second Use is blockable, but you can't use Evasive after First Use.
2 / Frantic Clawing (Type: Mobility / Total Offense) // The user unleashes Dark Shadow, which lunges forward and uses its claws to ensnare the opponent with both claws. Upon hit, Dark Shadow will do a slow scratching, increasing the speed to turn the claw attacks into a rapid and frantic barrage of claw slashes, ending it with claw uppercut that will launch the opponent away similar to Second Use of Hell Shot. If nothing is hit, the user gains I-Frames and leaps upwards with a horizontal multiple flip, landing on Dark Shadow, which the user uses as a mount before Dark Shadow envelopes the user's body, with the user themselves landing back to deliver a downward double-handed smash that is strong enough to cause a crater. // The grab deals 2% damage, barrage deals 5% and the uppercut does 3%, resulting into overall 10% damage, while not-hit variant deals 5%, both hand smash and the crater, so everybody, be it a hit opponent or bystanders, all will get 5% damage if they are within range of the attack. Both variants can be extended with a Downslam akin to Hell Shot. You can only use Evasive when you fall onto the ground after the uppercut. Barrage and uppercut can hit bystanders.
3 / Abysmal Tear (Type: Extension / Multi-Grab) // The user summons Dark Shadow for them to simply pull the opponent back to them. // Deals 5% damage if the opponent is caught, can only be used if the opponent is opponent by any means, requires to aim on the opponent but has ≈7 meters range and can grab up to two people, and if Dark Shadow detects an extra person when it already grabbed two, it will just backhand the bystander away with a strong force, dealing 10% damage. Works akin to Frog from JJS, but is an anti-teamer move.
4 / In The Dark (Type: Extension / Alternative Moveset) // The user summons Dark Shadow, which almost immediately envelopes the user's body, assisting them in a battle. // Gives a 50% damage negation and 15% damage boost if you was successful during M1 Trade, but if it's a nighttime in-game, you will get 5% damage each 5 seconds, due to being unable to control Dark Shadow at night at all.
Alt. 1 / Twilight Darkness (Type: Use Twice / Total Offense) // The user lunges forward with a dropkick (Akin to Whiplash), and upon hitting the opponent, the dropkick launches them far away, concussed and disorientated, while the user runs up to them and delivers a downward smash into their vertex from above, whereupon chokeholding the user's opponent, leaping upwards with them to spin horizontally and fling them down with immense force, creating a big crater. If used twice, the user vanishes away from the air, reappearing now near opponent as the user stomps on their ribs twice with brutal power, forcing the opponent to raise their head from the pain, which the user uses to kick their face and finish it all with roundhouse left kick to their face, sending them barrel-rolling away. // Deals 20% damage, but takes an additional 5% health from you. An anti-teamer because if the user will encounter a bystander during the run, Dark Shadow will backhand them away. You can use Evasive after being dropkicked, because the dropkick works like an initial kick in Void Steps, and if the opponent will use Evasive, it will return you back into your original moveset. Can be used once.
Alt. 2 / Fleeting Clawing (Type: Mobility / Offense) // The user retrieves Dark Shadow and mounts on it, before it returns back into the user's body, with the user themselves spinning vertically in the air (Akin to Whirlwind Kick from The Strongest Battlegrounds or Jet Stream when the user floats, but a regular flip instead of backflip) as they smash their leg into the opponent, winding up their arm backwards to deliver an uppercut, using the exact same arm to spin and deliver a roundhouse, horizontal backhand smash to the opponent's vertex, adding it with uppercutting the opponent's Adam's apple with left fist instead of a right one, and as the opponent is desperate for air, the user spins and delivers a roundhouse right back kick to their head's right side, whereupon they do a downward right fist smash into the opponent's vertex and add it up with left kick that hits the opponent's head's right side, before the user spins and delivers a roundhouse left elbow strike to their Adam's apple and then to instantly follow up with right kick that strikes the opponent's head's left side with immense force. In conclusion, the user spin-ascends into the air to deliver a roundhouse left kick to the opponent's face, sending them flying away from such brutal beating. // Deals 20% damage but takes an additional 10% health from you, and also instantly switches your moveset into the previous one after executed, but it won't switch you if you haven't used any other alternative moves before.
Alt. 3 / Baldur's Light (Type: Counter / Defense) // The user takes a defensive stance, and if the opponent hits them, Dark Shadow grabs their fist and ruptures the palm's bones of the opponent, before the user smashes their knee into their solar plexus, using then the exact same leg to smash its foot into their head's left side. As the opponent is disorientated, the user brutally strikes their skull with left fist, before their right fist, already enhanced by engulfing Dark Shadow, is now wrapped around by the wind, which is shaped like a whirlwind coating the user's fist. The user then strikes the enhanced fist into the opponent's ribs, shattering them by evident shatter sound, sending them flying away. // Deals 15% damage and also applies 50% extra damage obtainment to the opponent (Simply put, the opponent will receive 2X damage from every single move in-game for 10 seconds duration.) and 10% damage boost to you. Instantly switches you back to your previous moveset if you used Twilight Darkness or Fleeting Clawing before.
Alt. 4 / In The Light (Type: Extension / Original Moveset) // Dark Shadow retrieves itself from the user's body, then to, shortly afterward, disappear within the user. // Returns your previous moveset and gives you I-Frames for an entire duration, even leaving you invulnerable to possible Forward Dashes after the move is executed.
Awakening - Total Ragnarok // The user loses control over Dark Shadow, resulting into the user kneeling down defenselessly, while Dark Shadow enlarges itself, and after embracing themselves (Akin to start-up of Indomitable Will), Dark Shadow screams out a fearsome roar, forcing bystanders in 5 meters radius to barrel-roll away, with the roar emitting a huge, black aura and immense screenshaking, and while the Dark Shadow continues to roar, the user leaps upwards to engulf themselves in Dark Shadow's darkness, and then to land back with their leg smashing the ground, dealing an additional 15% damage to bystanders. Whereupon all that, when the roar aura is cleared out along with the nearby dust, the user shows themselves in menacing manner, engulfed in pure darkness, aided with enlarged Dark Shadow that chases the user from behind. // The roar deals 30% damage to anybody hit. Every single move can only be used once.
One / Fallen Angel (Type: Mobility / Total Offense) // The user gets on their marks, before they start running to their opponent at high speeds with the ground trembling from beneath (Akin to ground trembling in Scatter, but even more intensive). If the run is over, or if you pressed the move again, the user suddenly stops and stomps with their right leg with such power it creates large chunks of debris that is launched upwards along with the terrified opponent. (Omni-Directional Punch reference :D) The user suddenly appears behind the opponent with the cutscene starting up, where the user kicks them back into the ground with right leg and vanishes away to stomp on the opponent's chest and to grab their collar, horizontally spinning to smash them into the ground and then starting a rapid barrage of kicks from random directions (Akin to Void Steps follow-up, but the kicks is frantic as claw barrage in Frantic Clawing), finishing the barrage with appearing in front of the opponent without flashy appearance anymore, to, as their opponent flies right into their fist, punch their face so hard their nose spurts out a lot of blood, as shown in the cutscene, sending them flying miles. (In figurative way, though, cause the opponent flies just as much as when being hit by Black Flash.) // Deals 30% damage, and attacks such as the opponent hitting the ground after being sent there (Post-stomp leg smash), collar smash and the kick barrage hits bystanders
Two / Screeching Dusk (Type: Total Offense / Multi-Grab) // The user roars along with Dark Shadow, before Dark Shadow starts a chain of shadow-empowered claw strikes, with the user slightly lunging forward each strike in rhythm, before Dark Shadow's claw envelopes the user's fist, with the user punching outwards to create a devastating forward shock wave, blasting away everything in straightforward vicinity. // Deals 25% damage, is a complete inspiration of Nomu's Raging Strikes, although the roar is twice longer than from Nomu, but the strikes is twice slower than from Nomu in exchange. Gives I-Frames, too.
Three / Dark Sabbath (Type: Mobility / Multi-Grab) // The user uses Dark Shadow to mount on it, flying across the battlefield and grabbing the nearby players upon encounter, throwing the random grabbed player away if an another player will encounter Dark Shadow. Shortly afterward, Dark Shadow flies high into the sky and then lands down at immense speeds, crashing down on the battlefield. If the move is pressed again before flying up, Dark Shadow will throw away a random grabbed player and will leave an another one in its tight grasp, while the user will do a devastating barrage of punches into the opponent's ribs and entire torso overall, uppercutting their stomach to send them flying away. // The barrage variant deals 30% damage and applies 50% extra damage obtainment to the opponent. The thrown-away players will get 14% damage if they won't use Evasive and let their body cause a crater upon impact, that damages them and the bystanders (Deals 5% damage to them).
Four / Abyssal Release (Type: Mobility / One Shot) // The user smashes the ground with both fists, forcing bystanders in 10 meters radius to be launched upwards. Shortly afterward, the user lunges forward with extended fist akin to 45%. As the opponent is struck by the punch, the darkness that was empowering the fist resonates within the opponent, and as the user blasts them away with the punch, they appear in rainy city (Downpour Zone from Unforeseen Simulation Joint) while the opponent barrel-rolls away at high speeds, with the user chasing them down. The user then flash-steps to the opponent's back and left-leg-kicks their spine with immense force, launching them upwards before the user reappears in the air, suspended and spinning horizontally, before right-leg-kicking them back into the ground, adding it up with abrupt, roundhouse right fist smash into the opponent's face, as the power behind the blow has forced them to be launched upwards, which the user uses to left-leg-kick their stomach so they will grab them, which they do. As the opponent is grabbed and got their face pummeled by sequence of roundhouse downward backhand right-right-left uppercut-diagonal down right, the user grabs their neck and tosses them into the nearby wall, instantly rushing up to them to deliver a strong punch to their face, pummeling it with frantic barrage of immensely powerful punches, and the final punch was strong enough to shatter the entire wall completely. The user then pins the opponent to the ground and drags them there, before throwing them upwards to unleash a combination consisting of: Strike to the left rib, right fist strike into the face and then, immediate roundhouse left kick into head's left side, finished by downward right foot stomp from above on the vertex. The user, as the opponent is pinned to the ground by the stomp, delivers an additional triple punch to their face. (In rhythm of Rod finisher from Ultimate Battlegrounds, when the user stabs their rod into the opponent's chest.) The opponent desperately begs for mercy, but the user chokeholds them, staring them down menacingly and tosses them aside with incredible force, chasing the rolling opponent down, and, once in range, vanishing away to already reappear before them, using their right knee to launch them upwards (Akin to Retribution from Ultimate Battlegrounds.) and then finish all that with leaping upwards to spin horizontally and deliver darkness-empowered right punch into the opponent's stomach, flying all the way back to the ground at immense speeds, before both crash down onto the battlefield and leave major destruction that destroys an entire city and the buildings, too, with the user reappearing back into the real world, while the opponent is left abandoned in the rainy city. // Deals 100% damage regardless and bypasses most counters (Except for Blazing Soul's counter system, Infinity and Reflective Counter.), also granting the user I-Frames for the entire period of start-up. Ends the Awakening and gives a 10 seconds stun akin to Bloodcurdle afterward, given by the user unable to control the Dark Shadow at all.
damn finishers soon mb :D
@TheDrippyJokester @RegularCivillion @KosmicPrince @Triccshot26 y'all check this sh-t out