i know right?! only 1 move out four of vigilante's ult moveset hits grounded players, and it's a one time use move too, and another thing is, vigilante's fking cooldowns are so long! base deku deals more damage, can combo moves togther perfectly to deal max damage while still doing a true combo, has a better ultimate, and is just better, while vigilante constantly relys on ping based techs to get all the damage from electric smash, all the techs, just for ONE MOVE, while base deku just got to do 1 and 3 abd get the dmg he needs, vigilante got a a*s passive too, you can't tell me other wise, this is just a weaker garou rebuilt in hbg.
oh yeah, not mention, vigilante is the only mastered character that has problems with damage and cooldowns, mastered hero slayer has two movesets and the fist moveset has decently short cooldowns, he can one shot combo, dabi's cooldowns take less than 6 seconds and does good damage with combos too, and vigilante is the only mastery character that is worse than the base counterpart, they need to give the vigilante base moveset a rework and just buff the ult to better hit ragdolled players.